Trailers & 'BWSOW's

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I took the wheels off the trailer yesterday, with my new impact wrench, just for a look at the state of the hubs
On raising the trailer onto a wooden block before removal of the wheels, & trying them for play, they're okay, nothing at all

The metal work has no trace of paint though!!

The near-side hub rotates totally freely & will continue spinning, for well over 30 seconds (without the wheel/tyre!)
The off-side is stiff, requires turning with a full-hand, there's no struggle to turn it, just a resistance

The hubs appear to be one-piece, or at the very least, the caps have become one with the hub & no sign on being able to remove to check the o/s bearing

Plus, at long-last, after listening to its rattling/'booming' over speed-humps/rough roads, I realised why, at long last
I know it's meant to be a 'tipping trailer', and that the removable bolt/'lock' is another lump of rust, however the bed has a small amount of play against the draw-bar
So, a large 'penny washer' was drifted into the gap, with an old screwdriver & a lump-hammer, which took some effort!
Hopefully it won't rattle now!!

It’s shinier than the rest!

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It’ll get its second trip of the year tomorrow, as l’ve emptied 3 wheelie-bins worth of hedge-trimmings into it, for a tip-run when l get home from work (14:30)


Then, take this lot on Monday or Tuesday after work


EDITED; Saturday 29th @ 19:33
It's taken 5 trips so far, to get rid of what was trimmed/lopped
There's more hedge/rosebush to come out yet!!
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Plus, at long-last, after listening to its rattling/'booming' over speed-humps/rough roads, I realised why, at long last
I know it's meant to be a 'tipping trailer', and that the removable bolt/'lock' is another lump of rust, however the bed has a small amount of play against the draw-bar
So, a large 'penny washer' was drifted into the gap, with an old screwdriver & a lump-hammer, which took some effort!
Hopefully it won't rattle now!!

It’s shinier than the rest!

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No rattling/‘crashing’/‘booming’ when empty now, even with the speed-bumps on the Lane that we live on
(granted it jumps up, when it contacts them but l expect that)

Oh!, it took me 20 minutes queuing to get to the skips in order to empty it


Slippery scientist
An odd thing in a way, but heavy-haulage has been using 'dollies' for years to decrease axle-loadings/spread the weight
American equipment

Good luck trying to reverse it!
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