Tour De France - notre Equipe

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Cathryn said:
If you think I have obvious talents, you should meet my Mum :tongue:

Don't encourage him, he's Brazilian-less at the moment! :thumbsup:


Abitrary said:
... wouldn't he just go around moaning and being grumpy like Walter Mathau?

Prime requirements for the mechanic I'd have thought...he'll fit in fine with the rest of the moany faced gits! But as he's me and rich's mechanic (well you are all "ours" since we're DS's) we'll be nice to him and tell the rest of the team to just let him get on with things 'cos he's so important to overall plans.


New Member
Aperitif said:
Assistant to DS


Thought I was left out first time, but now I notice that I'm assistant to an assistant.

I could run this whole thing, blindfolded. The only reason I don't is because I don't take praise very well.


Abitrary said:
Thought I was left out first time, but now I notice that I'm assistant to an assistant.

I could run this whole thing, blindfolded. The only reason I don't is because I don't take praise very well.

You are assistant to the 2 most important people in the team - me and rich. Now run along and get me a cool drink...there's a good chap.


New Member
Noodley said:
You are assistant to the 2 most important people in the team - me and rich. Now run along and get me a cool drink...there's a good chap.

hoo baby, If I was your assistant I'd go out of my way to cause you more problems than you thought were humanly possible. You would leave, and you wouldn't be the first boss I'd made leave not for personal reasons, but for something else, even stranger.


Abitrary said:
hoo baby, If I was your assistant I'd go out of my way to cause you more problems than you thought were humanly possible. You would leave, and you wouldn't be the first boss I'd made leave not for personal reasons, but for something else, even stranger.

You ARE my assistant. :thumbsup:

Now, enough of this faux Bolshevism, get me a cold beer...


New Member
Noodley said:
You ARE my assistant. :evil:

Now, enough of this faux Bolshevism, get me a cold beer...

OK. What bodily secretion would you like in your 'cold beer'?

You might get pregnant, and it, er might not even be your wife that impregnated you!


Abitrary said:
OK. What bodily secretion would you like in your 'cold beer'?

You might get pregnant, and it, er might not even be your wife that impregnated you!

No secretion old boy...just make sure it's chilled. I'll look after you if you look after me, I value me staff.
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