Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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Froome says it's all 100% clean

"For me, it is a bit of a personal mission to show that the sport has changed. I certainly know that the results I’m getting are not going to be stripped in 10, 20 years’ time.
“It’s not going to happen."

Glad that's cleared up.
As a counter arguement, if I was doping I would try to look as normal as possible to avoid suspicion, not go nuts on the first climb
Or maybe they would expect that, kind of like reverse psychology? So maybe to counter that you go up it as hard as possible to give the impression that you obviously wouldn't do that if doping. :whistle:


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Froome says it's all 100% clean

"For me, it is a bit of a personal mission to show that the sport has changed. I certainly know that the results I’m getting are not going to be stripped in 10, 20 years’ time.
“It’s not going to happen."

Glad that's cleared up.
I read that last night on the L'équipe site. There was a further Wiggins quote:
Whoever spends any time with the team will see that these results are the result of months and months of preparation, training camps at altitude. There's also all the team support when we're not on the bike, support for my fiancée back at home. If people could see that, they'd be able to understand and wouldn't say that it was unbelievable.
(note: this is a back translation from French, therefore not verbatim.)


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
We will have to wait and see. If Froome does this kind of thing regularly in the rest of the Tour and looks this easy, then the suspicions will get stronger.

I thought Froome looked like he was genuinely suffering by the end of that climb yesterday. The effort will have taken a lot out of him. Hence my earlier comment that he can't ride like that every day. (Of course, if it turns out he can ride like that every day, I'll be as suspicious as any Clinic dweller.)

The good news for him now is that he doesn't need to do that again. But Sky will still need to keep a high tempo on the climbs or they'll be subject to a barrage of attacks - everyone will gang up against them like in the Vuelta last year.

I don't think this race is over yet - mainly because I believe Froome is clean.


pre-talced and mighty
I actually think the first two places on the podium will be near enough set in stone, barring incident. Such is the superiority of Porte and Froome.

The rest may or may not be aware that they are racing for 3rd to 10th. ;)

It's just possible (but no more) that Froome will be a bit tired on today's stage, and that Quintana will go again. And one has to say this for Movistar - they're giving it a go.


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
Today's stage looks pure evil. It is not going to be easy for Sky to control the race.


Yesterday's result forces others to look to gain time back and what better day to do it than today. Sky could be ganged up on, and covering attacks all day will leave them in need of tomorrow's rest day! If smutchin's comment is right (and let's hope it is) and Froome can't ride like that again today, then we could see his lead reduced... or even lost??? A potentially interesting day is in store.


pre-talced and mighty
Yesterday's result forces others to look to gain time back and what better day to do it than today. Sky could be ganged up on, and covering attacks all day will leave them in need of tomorrow's rest day! If smutchin's comment is right (and let's hope it is) and Froome can't ride like that again today, then we could see his lead reduced... or even lost??? A potentially interesting day is in store.
so interesting, Mr. Yello, that Agent Hilda is insisting on watching the last four hours of the stage on telly. This is surely the kind of foundation that marriage should be built on!


Yeah the race finally gets interesting once one of the GC contenders is in yellow.

Well one would hope so, Rolland against Quintana for the polka dot could be a good battle. I think 2 of the jerseys are sorted barring mis-fortune, could end up being a fortnight of one day races which would be interesting come on the french get your act together ! :smile:


On the subject of 'the french', I was a tad surprised how quickly Tommy V's effort yesterday came to nought. He's not got his legs yet.

I like ld's thought of 2 weeks of 1 dayers; that'd do me!
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