Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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I've met some and I bet even the ones I haven't are nobbers.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
You can tell it's the rest day, can't you! Back to the action tomorrow and we'll see if Froome can put the dawg amonst the pigeons, tail between their legs and barking up the wrong tree.
enough crap puns - ed

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Anyway, who's going to win tomorrow?
Cav will be busting a gut and hoping his train is on form. My HR will be racing too.
This was the article I was looking for but couldn't find...
Very sad.
I dunno, I saw a bit of hope in that article. I certainly hope he can overcome it.
Harsh, Geraint is half right, as Dan is half Irish, mum being Maria Roche, as was. So he chooses an Irish passport over a British one, and gets an Irish licence. This did not happen early, something made him swop when already at a very good level, and I can't imagine the Irish federation were disappointed to get his application, same as Matt Brammier. Two quality riders for nothing, effectively. Maybe the motivation was getting into national teams for major championships, because it's very difficult to get a GB place, so who can blame them for that? They just don't sound very Irish, uless (in Dan's case) you're an Irishman from the midlands, as an old mate of mine is, he sounds as un-Irish as you can get but that's not what his passport says!

It could also have to do with the small matter of Irish emigration? Some estimates put the Irish diaspora, or those of Irish descent worldwide at 70 million.
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