Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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The Couch

Über Member
By the way... for anyone who might be interested, there was yesterday quite an interesting piece of interview with Marc Coucke (the Omega Pharma part of OPQ):
He was clearly saying he wants to have a (great) Grand Tour type of rider in his team (to complement the other types they already have like Cavendish, Boonen, Chavanel and Martin to be able to compete the whole year on all fronts)​
He was saying, he wants to be successful in the only thing Sky failed to do, which is (successfully) pairing Cavendish with a GC rider​
And he was asked if he was referring to Kwiatek, but he said no, they would like to have someone besides him while he would grow as GC rider​
I can't see anyone other than Uran being the one talked about here, right?




Hello there
Assuming Porte can recover to the level he was at on Sunday for the remaining mountain show downs, all the time he lost on Sunday could actually be a benefit to Froome and Sky. It will mean he no longer has a little voice in the back of his head prompting him to consolidate his own podium position whilst helping Froome, should make him even more useful as a super dom.

The Couch

Über Member
Assuming Porte can recover to the level he was at on Sunday for the remaining mountain show downs, all the time he lost on Sunday could actually be a benefit to Froome and Sky. It will mean he no longer has a little voice in the back of his head prompting him to consolidate his own podium position whilst helping Froome, should make him even more useful as a super dom.
Yep, exactly what he told the press yesterday


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Yeah, I know: I am not asking for people to bash Pinot, rather the lack of understanding shown to Wiggins is what I think is wrong.
I suppose I was trying to point to the different ways the riders dealt with it. Thibault had no answers or excuses in the face of immense national interest. On the other side of things, Wiggins got by with little bits of information - a cold here, a sore knee there, etc - but didn't speak about the major problem, namely keeping his nerve and the bike underneath him on wet Italian descents. It was all managed and evasive.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Anyway, today's pick is a no-brainer: Cav.
Cav has no brain?
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