Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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Cheers. I only caught the last 3K. Will watch the highlights this evening.


The Borough
Ok, any fool want to bet against Cav for tomorrow ?
Just caught up with this - congratulations to Greipel.
OK, hand in the air, the call didn't work out - nothing is certain !
I'm still trying to work out what happened though - did both Cav & Sagan crash at some point in the run in ?
Just caught up with this - congratulations to Greipel.
OK, hand in the air, the call didn't work out - nothing is certain !
I'm still trying to work out what happened though - did both Cav & Sagan crash at some point in the run in ?

Sagan went down earlier, looked to have a double puncture by going just off the road - hard to tell though. Cav went down nearer the finish and chased hard to get back. some Belkin riders also went down, but the tv didn't show the crash.

it was all a bit messy in the finale. the teams seem to sit up a bit and OPQS fell apart when it kicked in again. looking at the sprint, it looked as if Steegmans (?), the last man, just couldn't get Cav up and pulled over. Griepel was already winding it up and it was all over. Lotto played it well. chapeau,


Dropped by the autobus
Sagan had a double puncture with about 40 to go and seemed to have a bit of a problem with his brakes/gears(?) after the changeout, but was paced back in by half the Cannondale team so that probably had no impact.

Cav had an untelevised off from about 30 out, so no-one saw exactly what happened. Didn't appear too serious as he more or less paced himself back into it and bunny-hopped a roundabout on the way through.

The pack kept a stupidly high pace on throughout so getting back on may have cost them a bit from the tank, but to my untrained eye it was all technical; OPQS and Cannondale's trains tried to control it from too far out, got swamped and unseated after the 5 (initially by Argos-Shimano), and consequently both Cav and Sagan were left to solo it, whereas Lotto timed it just right with Henderson/Greipel.

Edit, or what laurence said. Damn phone calls interrupting my posting.


We've all seen the WiiU adds on ITV's coverage..but has anyone else noticed the size of the mum's teeth? They are Nigel Thornbury esque
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