Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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My thoughts for Froomes feed today.

He has thrashed everybody up all the major climbs thus far. And everybody suspects he is using something.
Today the usual down to the last detail planning of Team Sky had gone AWOL, and Froome "bonks". Was it staged? Does it make him appear normal?

I do not think he has used anything banned or otherwise, but I can't believe he suddenly had nothing left today. I wonder how well he goes tomorrow.

Yeah, it was staged. The drug testers will now never test him again, cos they don't really need to.
My thoughts for Froomes feed today.

He has thrashed everybody up all the major climbs thus far. And everybody suspects he is using something.
Today the usual down to the last detail planning of Team Sky had gone AWOL, and Froome "bonks". Was it staged? Does it make him appear normal?

I do not think he has used anything banned or otherwise, but I can't believe he suddenly had nothing left today. I wonder how well he goes tomorrow.
Nah, Armstrong bonked on a climb and lost two minutes. PED's have nothing to do with fuelling.


My thoughts for Froomes feed today.

He has thrashed everybody up all the major climbs thus far. And everybody suspects he is using something.
Today the usual down to the last detail planning of Team Sky had gone AWOL, and Froome "bonks". Was it staged? Does it make him appear normal?

I do not think he has used anything banned or otherwise, but I can't believe he suddenly had nothing left today. I wonder how well he goes tomorrow.
I wasn't bl**dy staged ! he hit the wall and it could have ended in tears. At the least Porte should be excluded.
He said there had been a mechanical with the car - just about ambiguous enough to refer to the car being occupied dealing with a rider having a mechanical or to a mechanical issue with the car itself.
Skodas - never had a breakdown in 10 years, apparently. Jaguar cannot now make that claim !
Well personally I don't think he has a case within the rules and it is a waste of time and energy complaining.

On a different note, as much as Riblon's win is great for France,I feel for Tejay, in particular because of his dodgy gears on the Sarenne descent.
I guess that is just the way things break for you
dodgy gears were cancelled out by riblon going for a wee paddle


Über Member
Hmm, I wondering whether both Quintana and Purito can take the final 2 podium spots? That would be a very worthy podium I think. And this is coming from someone with a guilty secret liking for Bertie!


Does it matter if he is in your clique or not? Your original premise was pretty ridiculous and inherently incorrect,

Care to point the clique Im in first off ? When you ve explained that, I ll explain ( in pictures if you want ) about my thoughts on spending caps, tho' if you followed these threads you would allready be familiar with my position. Would you not ?

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Do I owe Lopez an apology after he finally, apparently, showed his face at the front end? Sorry Dave!
I was ultimately overwhelmed by my loco parentis duties...

I hope @Herzog fared better!


Rural Quebec
Now, see what you do is: you have a little basket on the handlebars (wicker loosely woven is very aerodynamic) and in it you have your 40 bananas then there would be no more bonking and you may even have some energy left for bonking. 'Simples' as the nobbers say.
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