Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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Its the leader of a grand tour on perhaps its most crucial stage FFS not some domestique in the Tour down under !

so the rules and penalties should differ as to the rider. interesting. what colour is the Sky in your world


All this silly comment about a judgment, and calls for DQ. Pathetic. If there is a danger to the lead, you do what has to be done even if it's a (minor) matter concerning the rules. Usually there is the 50-200 fine, and at last 500 on the team manager, small price. The fines were at the top end of the scales, and the time penalty unusual. That's how it goes. I saw another comment which suggested the time penalty should be the same as the potential loss without taking a gel, and which clever person will second guess that? No-one with more than two brain cells. The rules say what they say about illegal feeds (inside the last 6km today, on a flat stage it's inside the last 20km, despite what was said on ES). Riders and teams will take a penalty because it's a business decision, and it's unlikely that the gel did much more than boost morale anyway, not enough time to fully hit the blood sugar levels.
Message, stop suggesting CF is a "cheat", if he is so is everyone who follows a team car for more than 100 metres, it's all technical offences, and the ones that matter are towing from cars, deliberately trying to cause people to crash or impede them, illegal substances or methods with blood, plus of course the worst of the lot, eating contaminated steak! A bit of reality, please.


Ever hit the wall on alpe duez 5ks from the summit ? .... I thought not !



All this silly comment about a judgment, and calls for DQ. Pathetic. If there is a danger to the lead, you do what has to be done even if it's a (minor) matter concerning the rules. Usually there is the 50-200 fine, and at last 500 on the team manager, small price. The fines were at the top end of the scales, and the time penalty unusual. That's how it goes. I saw another comment which suggested the time penalty should be the same as the potential loss without taking a gel, and which clever person will second guess that? No-one with more than two brain cells. The rules say what they say about illegal feeds (inside the last 6km today, on a flat stage it's inside the last 20km, despite what was said on ES). Riders and teams will take a penalty because it's a business decision, and it's unlikely that the gel did much more than boost morale anyway, not enough time to fully hit the blood sugar levels.
Message, stop suggesting CF is a "cheat", if he is so is everyone who follows a team car for more than 100 metres, it's all technical offences, and the ones that matter are towing from cars, deliberately trying to cause people to crash or impede them, illegal substances or methods with blood, plus of course the worst of the lot, eating contaminated steak! A bit of reality, please.
Boost morale, yeah sure.


Rural Quebec
It seems that a little clarification is in order: Froome was suffering from hypoglycemia, a condition that is dangerous to his health and could have ended his race, his support obtained the necessary antidote and he finished the stage. Porte picked up some gels NOT rocket fuel or anything else that would give him an unfair advantage.
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