Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Just watched highlights, does Quintana wear some sort or Aerocondom over his normal helmet?

And how can Cav have beated Cadel!
Either Cadel's face always looks like that and I've never noticed it before because of his dimple or his left jaw is badly swollen. I've no idea but I suspect an abscess and think he may retire overnight.


rubbish uphill, downhill 'balast' make me fast
Interesting contrast



Regardless of the other 'issues' that some may lean on.... does anyone think that Froome's Aero position may be more efficient and there is a chance that this has been tested in a (marginal gains) wind tunnel?

Surely his ability to crank a hig cadence on the Ax climb shows that he doesnt 'have' to stamp on the peddles - maybe he has just trained better and they have figured that the Froome technique is 'better' than the stampy Bertie one? How much would that be worth over a (eg) 50 minute stage? If 1%, crudely that may mean 30 secs? if 0.1% (!!!!) that may still work out as 3 secs - simple man maths :smile:


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Regardless of the other 'issues' that some may lean on.... does anyone think that Froome's Aero position may be more efficient and there is a chance that this has been tested in a (marginal gains) wind tunnel?

Surely his ability to crank a hig cadence on the Ax climb shows that he doesnt 'have' to stamp on the peddles - maybe he has just trained better and they have figured that the Froome technique is 'better' than the stampy Bertie one? How much would that be worth over a (eg) 50 minute stage? If 1%, crudely that may mean 30 secs? if 0.1% (!!!!) that may still work out as 3 secs - simple man maths :smile:
You also rarely see a Sky rider out of the saddle. I think they've figured out that dancing on the pedals is not very aerodynamic.


Über Member
Great stage again today. It's hard to read too much into pure performance levels as it was as much about bike handling as watts per kilo etc. As Smutchin said, Saxo Tinkoff blew it with the bike strategy, otherwise I think we'd have seen a Bertie win by a 20-30 second margin.

The Spanish riders do seem to be getting better as the Tour unfolds. I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt in terms of doping, but in terms of preparation, and knowing how tough this last week was going to be, did they leave room in the tank to improve and ride into peak form for the last 3-4 days? It wokd make sense. Relatively speaking (looking at time gained vs distance) Froome's performance advantage was much greater over AX3 compared to Ventoux for instance. Anyway, my point is that performance is possibly levelling out and we have a potentially epic and incredibly tough stage tomorrow, so don't be surprised if Froome doesn't smash it, or even loses a bit of time, or perish the thought really cracks and blows it( personally I doubt the latter).

Looking forward to future Tours, I think we are seeing some changing of the guard in terms of Evans and Schleck, but I wouldn't write off Contador or some of the other contenders yet. I really believe that Froome is an incredible talent, but I also believe that Sky are capitalising on a more developed sports science approach. In short I buy the Kerrison "cycling was retarded" theory. So the other teams are playing catch up, but catching up they are and will continue to do. It all makes for fascinating times ahead I think. But in the short term... Roll on tomorrow!


CS8 lead out specialist
I don't know but I have a vague memory that someoneon here suggested that it had!

Cycled down it in June. Looked like they had thrown a lot of loose gravel and tar at the odd pot hole. We certainly took it very steady. Just hope they've swept it since as all the gravel made it pretty lethal on a lot of corners!!
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