Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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The Borough
Cycling News reporting that Movistar are gonna sign Quintana's little brother. I hope they won't ride like the schlecks.
Is it possible to be smaller than Quintana senior ?

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Cuddles was clearly conserving energy before taking a double bagger of blood, a couple of bull's testicles and a thick red juicy sirloin overnight and will blast away from the gun tomorrow, pouring 37 bottles of water over his head and down his throat.
You heard it here first.


I haz crap tv coverage oh highlights!! Crap in the sense that it's liggett and sherwen and I can hear them..the "atmospherics" seem to have decided.I should see the ITT. yay. Bet I cannae see the next stages...
Cuddles was clearly conserving energy before taking a double bagger of blood, a couple of bull's testicles and a thick red juicy sirloin overnight and will blast away from the gun tomorrow, pouring 37 bottles of water over his head and down his throat.
You heard it here first.

You forgot the Jack Daniels.


pre-talced and mighty
Anyone else wonder where Contador's sudden revival of form has come from? He was dropped relatively quickly once the pace went up on AX3 and Ventoux, yet now steams the TT?
I only say this as people were very quick to point the finger at Froome over doping, yet this should be equally suspicious and treated with the same level of scrutiny. In previous days (read Armstrong days) this would be a huge red flag of a Blood Bag done on the rest day!!!

It would seem double standards not to equally question this result by Contador.


rich p

ridiculous old lush
He wasn't the Lantern Rouge yet/anylonger this morning, but it seems he's giving it a good effort now :smile:
Funny note: Bazayev was last in previous TT, this time he is (so far) faster than the TT expert Tuft...
I expect Tuft to have some difficulties in the coming days surviving the mountains

EDIT: and if Veelers continues this pace, he might have difficulties surviving today (3 min behind Hivert after 14Km)
Dmitriy Muravyev regains the LR from Svein Tuft by a slender 12 seconds.


rubbish uphill, downhill 'balast' make me fast
Froomie. Wowzers. I don't think he's any better than contador.

He's just better prepared and better trained.

If contador had sky level conditioning and support/diet/training I think he'd at worst give froome a proper race
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