Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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Contador can act for the camera bike !

I agree about Froome not needing to be so close, how much time could Bertie have taken out of him in that little stretch? Froome was being too proud to let him get any... And we all know that pride comes before a .........


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I think its a mind games thing - Froomes not wanting to show Bertie an inch of weakness in the hope he will snap and give up eventually?

Posturing? AKA willy waving!

The Couch

Über Member
Another interesting fact to liven up this stage...
the sadly uncelebrated Lanterne Rouge at present is
Dmitriy Muravyev (Kaz) Astana Pro Team 'leading' by over a minute
He wasn't the Lantern Rouge yet/anylonger this morning, but it seems he's giving it a good effort now :smile:
Funny note: Bazayev was last in previous TT, this time he is (so far) faster than the TT expert Tuft...
I expect Tuft to have some difficulties in the coming days surviving the mountains

EDIT: and if Veelers continues this pace, he might have difficulties surviving today (3 min behind Hivert after 14Km)

The Couch

Über Member
... I would expect Peraud, Kwiatek, Meyer and Costa to do good in this one, but because of yesterday not quite sure if they still have the strength (or interest in Costa's case)
Peraud fell during recon of the stage and is off to the hospital... so not only yesterday's performance might do him in


Curvers has made up over 2 minutes on Westra on that first descent. I think that's a great indication of how this TT will play out.

Edit: Scratch that, I must have been having a blonde moment.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
BTW, I thought Froome's dig at Contador's risk-taking was a bit rich, considering he was chasing to stay on Contador's wheel. ''He was driving so erratically, officer, I almost hit him as I tried to tailgate him...''
Exactly! It is up to each individual rider to decide how many risks to take. Froome decided to risk staying with Contador who had decided that it was worth risking a crash, so what is there to complain about? If someone cut you up on a bend or crashed into you, that would be a different story.


Exactly! It is up to each individual rider to decide how many risks to take. Froome decided to risk staying with Contador who had decided that it was worth risking a crash, so what is there to complain about? If someone cut you up on a bend or crashed into you, that would be a different story.

I suspect it's just banter. Froome did wait for Contador after all.


rubbish uphill, downhill 'balast' make me fast
Just wondering about the thumbs up....

I know unwritten rules say dont attack a mechanical. But conti crashed being a nobber, why should anyone wait for him? Any unwritten rules on that?


Just wondering about the thumbs up....

I know unwritten rules say dont attack a mechanical. But conti crashed being a nobber, why should anyone wait for him? Any unwritten rules on that?

How does being aggressive on descent equal being a nobber?

The Couch

Über Member
The last part might be a real hurt for Quintana and Rodriguez (and perhaps Mollema), looking at the differences between the 3rd time point and the finish, the "climber"types really loose still quite some time versus the TT specialists

EDIT: so far can't see any bad weather yet
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