Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
And the weather forecast is for storms developing and intensifying from around 2pm (CET). Froome is set to depart at 16:33pm. This might well add a rather random element to the stage.


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
I dinnae even have a radio...

Just to update you on other news, Alex has dropped the vote on Scottish independence and now acknowledges Englandshire as the supreme and ultimate power, Bucky and deep-fried pizzas are banned by the EU and the Queen has used an ancient law to buy your house in exchange for a goat.


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
Jeez, I think I even preferred the doping discussion to talking about Noodley's saddle sores...

Anyway, am I the only person in the whole world who didn't see Contador's thumbs up to Quintana as sarcastic? At the time, I thought the Movistar boys were just sitting on Mollema's wheel, not pressing on, so I took Contador's gesture as sincere...

But looking at it again, it's pretty clear he has the hump big time. ^_^

Not sure what he thought were his grounds for having a go at Quintana though. Maybe it's a typical playground bully's reaction - the bigger boy (Froome) had a go at him, so he in turn picked on the smaller boy.

He really ought to be more careful about getting into squabbles, given his history with beef.

I'm also very much enjoying seeing Froome "coming over all Le Patronny", as CK put it. Taking on Contador verbally is a sign of real confidence in himself. Not only does he have panache, he has swagger too.

I'd love to see him step it up, really get under Bertie's skin - "@chrisfroome: Oi, @albertocontador, you descend like a Schleck, you barbecue-loving clown!"

The Couch

Über Member
So, a 32km double lump ITT.
6.4km @ 6% and 6.9km @ 6.3%
I suppose I'll have to go with Froome but not by much from Quintana and Contador.
Froome is expected to be untouchable today... but maybe the weather may help (but that would be only for the stage, since GC contenders ofcourse all ride at the same time)

I would expect Peraud, Kwiatek, Meyer and Costa to do good in this one, but because of yesterday not quite sure if they still have the strength (or interest in Costa's case)

Counting on bad weather... I'm gonna spread my bet on Hesjedal, Boom or Westra (Chavanel starts too late and I don't wanna go for the obvious Tony Martin choice)


Contador and Froome seemed to get tangled up with each other on a corner on the descent and were held up briefly. Mollema tried to press on but the Movistar boys seemed to slow things down a bit so they could catch up.

According to Kreuziger, it was actually Quintana who attacked after the Contador/Froome semi-off. Saxo are apparently quite sore about it.
At the time I didn't pick up the nuances of what was going on. On the replay I saw Bertie shaking his wrist as an excuse, when Froome invited him past in the chase back but I missed it all first time around.

Movistar need to be careful with this pressing on when people crash. They've already had their come 'uppence in a major way this tour but the lesson doesn't seem to have been learnt.


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
Movistar need to be careful with this pressing on when people crash. They've already had their come 'uppence in a major way this tour but the lesson doesn't seem to have been learnt.

Always the ones who complain loudest when others dish out the same treatment to them, isn't it?


Fair enough. It wasn't clear from the TV coverage.

Andy Schleck must be looking on and laughing, muttering something quietly to himself about karma.

I agree, I wasn't entirely sure what the thumbs up was about either until I read the Kreuziger interview.

Moving on to today, how does everyone think Mollema will do today? He looked pretty close to cracking yesterday.

The Couch

Über Member
.... I'd love to see him step it up, really get under Bertie's skin - "@chrisfroome: Oi, @albertocontador, you descend like a Schleck, you barbecue-loving clown!"
Why don't go full throttle:
"@chrisfroome: Oi, @albertocontador, you descend like Wiggo, you barbecue-loving clown! Wait for the next climb, I'll show you!"

According to Kreuziger, it was actually Quintana who attacked after the Contador/Froome semi-off. Saxo are apparently quite sore about it.
Funny, that (a lightweight like) Quintana believes he could have kept them away in the descent :smile:... optimistic

Extra Comment:
We really missed a Contador-type of rider in last year's Tour (especially in week 1 and 2), he does make it much more worth tuning in
(Of course we also missed decent stages where climbers really had a chance in making some differences)


We really missed a Contador-type of rider in last year's Tour (especially in week 1 and 2), he does make it much more worth tuning in
(Of course we also missed decent stages where climbers really had a chance in making some differences)

I agree, Contador is really making the Tour for me this year.

The Couch

Über Member
I agree, I wasn't entirely sure what the thumbs up was about either until I read the Kreuziger interview.

Moving on to today, how does everyone think Mollema will do today? He looked pretty close to cracking yesterday.
Probably will be eating his steering bar the whole time again...
but I don't see him loosing much (vs. other non-canine GC contenders), he was very good (for his TT skills) in the first TT and this one should suit him much more


Hello there
I know I keep saying it, but J Rod is coming.


With such a technical course Froome might struggle to put in massive time (edit, although he has reconned the stage). If Sagan finds his climbing legs (tired or resting yesterday?) he could go well given his handling abilities. Should be an exciting TT, good chance of rain showers throughout the day.


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
Moving on to today, how does everyone think Mollema will do today? He looked pretty close to cracking yesterday.

Yeah, I'm starting to lose faith that he'll hold on to his podium spot for much longer. Shame.

Still, if he works on his time-trialling, he could be the new Evans. He may even win the Tour one day.
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