Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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rich p

ridiculous old lush
He should market some new aero bars called Rein Drops.:rolleyes:


So just to clear it up, contador was annoyed that quintana didnt wait for contadors biggest rival?

@Crackle thanks for clearing up about leader

There's this funny thing called tradition. Some choose to ignore it. Or ignore it when it suits them. Quintana has apologized for the attack - that should probably tell you all you need to know. Froome waited for Contador. That says a lot too.


Man or Moose!
But why? It was his fault he fell off... I wouldnt wait.

Mechanical is not your fault but crashing by pushing to hard should be punished imv

There is no rule to say you can't attack or indeed carry on if one of the GC's or race leaders crash or have a mechanical, however there is such thing as peloton etiquette and it is not the done thing and doing so will not win you any favours!


rubbish uphill, downhill 'balast' make me fast
There is no rule to say you can't attack or indeed carry on if one of the GC's or race leaders crash or have a mechanical, however there is such thing as peloton etiquette and it is not the done thing and doing so will not win you any favours!

Fair enough, Eurosport commentators both just said nothing wrong yesterday...

Quintana apparently said contador was upset about contact with Quintana just after he crashed???


Hello there
Actually now it seems it was his bike choice that made him relatively faster on the last 12.

Izaguirre apparently changed bikes on top of second hill. Looks like the winning strategy.

Think that is the plan for Froome, road bike to top of second climb- then swap to TT bike. Could see a lot of people doing it.
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