Tomorrow is the day... I hope!

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Well-Known Member
I have been riding with two pairs of socks - still get cold toes though but worth trying.
Saturday's ride was the coldest my fingers have been since starting cycling, about 10 weeks now, and I was wearing gloves.
I am really looking forward to warmer weather.


Haha yeah you could be right :thumbsup:

Right a question.... How the hell do I stop my toes from falling off in the cold? Are there special windproof socks? :rolleyes:
re socks: I bought 10 pairs of thick sports socks from Sports Direct for like a fiver, they were by the doors when I went in and I've never suffered from cold feet. Fact.:becool:


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Hmmmm - I think you are possibly worrying too much about a first ride.

First ride. 5 miles? 10 miles?

Not really long enough to get really cold plus food is not going to make any real difference over those distances imo.

Warm gloves, windproof jacket and a banana if you must. Not sure you really need to take a drink either.

Just get out there!


Oaf on a Bike
Well done! :highfive:

I think it's better to focus on enjoying your cycling rather than sticking to a strict routine, to be more likely to stick at it, but everyone's different ;)


bury, lancs
Think your right Jamie just ride/enjoy and I think you sort out your own routine with what your body tells you....and your right Nigel you do need more fluid on any rides


Active Member
East Yorkshire
I'm reading the replies and just want to point out a few things lol!

A) I'm not worried about my first ride out
B) I wanted to at least get some basic stuff ie warms socks and gloves as I know that if I had gone out yesterday and been uncomfortable it wouldn't have spurred me on like it did to want to go again.
C) I don't drink enough as it is so am trying to encourage water/fluid intake. I get dehydration headaches a lot already. As it happens I didn't take the bottle but as I was out and about I got one anyway!
D) I wanted to change my eating habits in general do as much as a piddly few mile stint didn't warrant a big food intake change, it was better than the macdonalds I may have grabbed when normally in a rush. I eat crap and want to change the way I eat.

Thanks for all of the input guys! Can't wait to get cracking again! Will increase it as I go along. Didn't want to push too much yesterday and not be able to move for days lol!

Ps. Am writing from my mobile so no emotes but just add lots of smiles and thumbs up into what I have just said :-) )


North Carolina
Heck I hardly have a drink in 30 miles in this weather. I know I should.

I even took the cages off two of my bikes. I might have to put them back on this summer if I start doing longer distances out in the country.

Edit: I don't mean that hydration isn't important, I drink plenty, just not while riding. I am rarely out for more than an hour and a half at a time.


North Carolina
Don't push yourself too much to start with but be consistent, it should be fun too. It gets better as you build endurance. I would suggest keeping it simple as possible to start with. To me it was easiest when I just walked out the door, got on the bike and rode. All the computers and other gadgets and toys will come in time if you stick with it. It keeps on evolving, like an addiction, an expensive one. :whistle:


Active Member
East Yorkshire
Hehe very funny ;-)

Thanks for the advice guys, it is much appreciated!

I went out again today and did an 8.5 mile round trip. Not much but enough to make me a bit red in the face but not so it was uncomfortable. Am feeling great!!

I did however forget my bike lock but luckily I was allowed to take my bike on to my appointment....


It is usually better to drink 'little and often' rather than a big drink after a long time.

Sip, sip every 20 mins or so is recommended, as it maintains your fluid levels, without the (desperate :ohmy:) need for a 'comfort stop' after an hour-and-a-half and half a litre of liquid ! :eek:

Keep doing little and often on your riding too and you'll (very) soon get used to it and be able to go further, faster until LEJoG seems too easy ... ^_^
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