Tiny Ride Today
12/6/24 pm
Linear Recumbent to Town Centre to Pick up Prescription.
I’d been adjusting the steering and underseat bars on the Linear recumbent when my phone pinged to tell me that a prescription I’d been waiting for was ready. I decided to make collecting that from the town centre chemist my test ride. My Garmin and bits and pieces were still out from this morning’s ride on the Spirit. I chucked my pump and tools into the rack bag on the Linear and wheeled it out through the back gate.
The ritual of swing the stand down, step over the frame, take a seat and swing the stand up was automatic. Check the mirror for adjustment, swing the right hand pedal to 12 O’clock, check that we’re in a middling gear, a good look round to check the coast is clear and away. Cue triumphal music for a successful launch, tweak the non indexed gear controls to fine tune the adjustments, enjoying the subtle crick crick of the Suntour Barcon. I changed up a gear or two then downhill to Swanlow Lane cautiously observing the traffic before inserting myself into the flow. Speed ebbed away on the uphill, changed down accordingly, in the left lane, needed to be in the right one, traffic died away so across to turn right before the green light went red. Over a slight hump then downhill on the short route to town, turning left after a few yards to enjoy the continuous downhill.
What is it about sitting in this garden chair atop a girder while the world rushes by faster and faster? An emerging car at a mini roundabout prompted a precautionary squeeze of the rear brake lever.
The potential hazard drove away, leaving the road clear, brake released, speed rose again.
The slope eased, and ahead was a red light. A cycle lane led to an advance stop line. I drifted to the left past a waiting car and almost stopped in front of it but the light changed so I kept going. The car turned right behind me. There is a junction on the right where I wanted to go so I held back until there was a gap in the oncoming traffic then turned without having to stop and put a foot down.
I entered a service area. Ahead I saw a girl from one of the shops pushing a trolley full of stuff for the skip. The area to the left is fenced and panelled off as work continues on the town centre refurbishment. This leaves a narrow access to an alleyway connected to the town centre precinct. I got in ahead of the girl but ahead was an old lady with a walking frame. I slowed right down so that by the time I caught her up she was at the entrance to the alley. Behind me was the girl with the trolley. I stopped and waited for the old lady to reach the other end of the alley before I rode through. She went right, I went left. I put the stand down, got off, put the stand up, and pushed the bike into the precinct. Behind me, the girl with the trolley went straight across into another alley leading to where the refuse skips are.
I locked the Linear to a pillar. A man coming out of the chemists said “Oh! Nice bike!” as though he wasn’t quite sure what he was looking at. The pillars are decorated with locally made knitted flowers. I went in, collected my prescription and took a photo of bike and floral pillar on the way out.
As I was unlocking the bike and wheeling it away from the pillar a woman with several small children said, “Look at that cool bike! That man’s going to ride it!” That man was actually going to wheel it to the entrance before getting on, but since the doors were wide open, I got on and rode it. I said as I went away, “I’m going to have to start selling tickets!” I can just see it now, “a.twiddler, trick cyclist and children’s entertainer”. The kids seemed suitably awestruck, but I’ve got a horrible feeling I’m featuring on somebody’s You Tube by now, for free.
I carried on downhill to the nearby supermarket but as there were crowds of people near the entrance I diverted through the car park to access the path nearer the road. Right at the bottom, I wanted to follow the route of my last ride past the Lifestyle Centre but the traffic was tailed back from the lights, making it difficult to cross. I had to follow the pavement cyclepath round the corner, do a u turn where the pavement widened then come back to get on the road and turn right when there was a gap in the traffic.
Once across, it was easy going to follow the path to the corner of the Lifestyle Centre then to the road behind it. I tried to follow the route home that I took last time on the Spirit, just to get a direct comparison. It seemed no quicker climbing through the estate roads, on to Gladstone St. and Townfields Rd. but felt more relaxed somehow. Was it because I’d loosened up the muscles on my outing this morning? The Linear bottom bracket feels lower than the one on the Spirit. Or was it something else?
I turned left at the lights at the top of Townfields Road then decided to stretch out the return trip a little in the direction of Church Minshull. I clicked into the highest ratio in the hub gear, zizzed into highest ratio on the rear derailleur, and clunked on to the big ring on the front. Then I gave it the beans down the dip and up the other side, back on to the small ring, then into middle ratio in the hub gear, and down one or two on the rear derailleur. I soon came to a lane on the right where I turned off and wended my way to my back gate. The steering gear adjustments seemed to have done the trick.
3.48 miles. Max 19.2 mph. Average 6.7 mph. According to Garmin.
Ascent 111 ft. According to Bikehike.