Tiny Ride Today
Yet another shopping trip on the Spirit Recumbent Bike.
Yesterday a bargain 38T chainring from SJS cycles plopped through my letterbox so I was busy yesterday afternoon getting it fitted. It replaced the existing 34T one as the overall gearing was just a bit too low. A couple of links added to the chain, everything tightened up and I was ready to go. Estimated gear range 17.25” to a smidge under 90”. Test ride tomorrow.
Today was the day. A few spots of rain early on but it didn’t continue. I had a shopping list so could kill two birds with one stone – shopping and test ride.
So, out through the back gate, right in the direction of Swanlow Lane, following yesterday’s outward route to get a direct comparison. I came to the uphill lights to find there were roadworks. Fortunately the cycle lane had been left clear so I got to the head of the queue before stopping on red. When the lights changed I charged across. Something didn’t feel right, as if my arms had got shorter. I stopped on the other side and found that with my bike adjustments yesterday the seat back had moved. I moved it to a more upright position, made sure the quick release was properly locked, and all was well again.
Everything felt right, as I trundled to the mini summit on Swanlow Lane. Ahead of me was a very upright rider in an orange jacket. It looked like an ebike that he was riding. I made the most of the downhill towards the A54 roundabout to try and catch him to have a look. A car stopped ahead of me to turn right which held me up briefly, then I got closer again. I followed him over the roundabout, he went straight on and I followed it round to the right. It looked like an ebike but if it was, he wasn’t making much use of the assistance. Anyway, I pedalled off downhill. It seemed easier to keep pedalling until I got speed up than yesterday though in the end the max was fractionally slower than yesterday’s. It just felt a bit more relaxed.
As before, I got stopped at the lights. Straight on, then right lane, right again to filter lane, and right when the lights changed, right at the next two roundabouts then into a supermarket car park. I wasn’t able to lock up at the usual barrier as there was a group of people standing gasbagging there.
There was a handy pole nearby where there’s usually a mountain bike locked up but it wasn’t there today, so I used that.
Briefly in and out, unlocked, and set off for supermarket no 2. Downhill slowly alongside the car park to the road, right along the pavement to join a shared bike path, right at the next junction then, where the path ends, on to the road to turn right. Shortly afterwards left into the car park of supermarket no 2 to lock up by the trolley stand.
Another swift in and out to find the second lot of shopping wouldn’t quite fit. After some rearrangement I crammed it in and tucked my rainproof jacket around and over it to keep it in place. Well, it worked yesterday.
Out through the car park, left at the next lights to follow a painted bike lane for 50 yards before hopping on to the pavement to climb a long hill. There are no signs, but it seems it’s what local cyclists do, rather than go up the dual carriageway with the traffic. Easy enough going downhill on the other side when you can get speed up.
On reaching the top, after checking the shopping was secure, I went left on to Swanlow Lane and made good progress to the traffic lights at Townfields road. There was some delay due to the roadworks but I soon got through, then to my uphill turn off and a freewheel through the lanes to my back gate. Shopping intact and unloaded, test ride fine, no issues.
No matter how much I try to jazz it up, there's only so many routes to the town centre and back.
Distance 3.78 miles. Max speed 25.4 mph. Average 7.7 mph. According to Garmin.
Ascent 119 ft. According to Bikehike.