Think I am being dumped by text!

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Bird Saviour
Awww sorry NT that's really shoot. my last split with someone was sooo hard to deal with

Smokin Joe said:
That's an old get out clause. That generally means they are not really sure they will be happy on their own and they want you on a string in case they change their mind. Call her bluff and tell her it would be best if you never have any contact again, you have nothing to lose as this staying friends business only prolongs the agony anyway.

Smokin Joe said:
Staying friends only works if the split was by mutual consent. If one party is still carrying a torch then the frindship is unbalanced and awkward and will only end in tears.

if you are going to stay friends, tell her you want 6 months space from her to let things settle. it's too hard to get over someone when you are in touch with them, you need time on your own.

Willow said:
I still carry a torch

willow... shag someone else. it worked for me :wacko:


buggi said:
.. shag someone else. it worked for me :tongue:


Sound advice.

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
Night Train,

it turns out that you're in good company. I've just read on a German website that Boris Becker's fiancee has elbowed him by text as well.

You could always take up tennis ...


Senior Member
SE London
I recommend FWB's ;):biggrin:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
HelenD123 said:
Looks like there's something in the air round here are the moment.;) Hope you get a resolution soon NT.

I'm worried it might be something in the tea....:biggrin:

Maybe it's time to wash the pot out...

Bloody hell, what a time eh?

I know about the not wanting to let go. I hung on to my previous partner though several breakups and getting-back-togethers - out of sheer bloody mindedness really, I was determined not to lose him to this other woman. In the end, we all lost him for good, so it didn't get me far. But I don't think one can help how one feels, however much one knows better deep down.

On the other hand, staying friendly has always got to be better than being bitter. My Mum had an old school friend who divorced her husband very acrimoniously and set up with someone else. Although they often passed through Leicester (he had family there), they never came to visit Mum, and Mum reckoned it was because they knew that the ex husband sometimes (like twice a year) called round unexpectedly to say hello.

Right, I've washed the pot out, and descaled the kettle, so Tea? anyone?
Night Train

Night Train

Maker of Things
Yep, the pot needs a good clean out to end all this.
Time to move on.
I can be friends, that is easy as I detach very easily when I have to, lots of experience on that one.
Not into one night stands so that is out of the question.
Tennis? You must be joking, I have a bike! :girl:
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