Bloody hell, the heavens seem set against relationships at the moment!
I hope it works out, NT, but even if not, I hope you get a proper closure. At least I was dumped face to face. Not that it feels better at the time, but hiding behind texts isn't great. I guess she might be trying to take an easy way out, which I can understand, but it's not a nice thing to do.
Here's a thing. Yonks ago, I was going out with a lad, and TBH it wasn't great and I was really sticking with him because I was afraid of being alone otherwise, and didn't have the courage to end it. He tended to be jealous and when I went away for a weekend WITH MY MUM, he got a fit of the sulks and delivered a letter to the house saying he wanted to end it. I was so relieved he'd done it. He rang the next day to say he thought he'd made a mistake, and I said "No, you haven't!". Funnily enough, the same weekend an ex rang out of the blue to see how I was, and we arranged to meet up, so I got dumped and picked up in the same week. (although it didn't last) I don't know if any of that is relevant, or what point I'm trying to make, but you're welcome to take heart from my useless love life if it helps...