Things you find very difficult to open, or get into etc

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Mr Celine

The hard to peel foil top nestling under the 'proper' top that are on eg salad cream and tomato sauce bottles.

Mrs Celine invented these while working for Metalbox in the 80s. She left the packaging technology industry shortly afterwards but I'll pass on your concerns.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I had a lot of trouble getting a CR2032 coin cell battery out of its armoured plastic packaging yesterday. I suppose scissors or a craft knife would have been the tool for the job but as I didn't have one to hand I found that repeatedly jabbing the plastic with a small screwdriver eventually released the battery. It took about 10x the amount of time it would have taken me to fetch a pair of scissors or a penknife/craft knife but I got the satisfaction of a job bodged badly.

You need safe cracking skills to get into button battery packaging due to people leaving them about for kids to eat.


The luckiest fluke I ever had with something that's usually difficult was the shell of this coconut which came away in three pieces leaving the flesh completely intact in one piece.



Kilometre nibbler
You need safe cracking skills to get into button battery packaging due to people leaving them about for kids to eat.

I guess that's the reason behind the same being true of SD cards.

I remember flying out on holiday once. I'd forgotten to put an SD card in my camera so I'd picked one up at the airport. I thought I'd pass a bit of time during the flight by getting my camera ready. Given the ban on knives and sharp things on planes it proved completely impossible to open the SD card packaging.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
And put the tin in the fridge for at least half an hour before opening so the contents firm up, making it easier to push the corned beef out the tin.

my tinned corned beef lives in the fridge. I wouldn't dream of stowing it in a cupboard :okay:
I guess that's the reason behind the same being true of SD cards.

I remember flying out on holiday once. I'd forgotten to put an SD card in my camera so I'd picked one up at the airport. I thought I'd pass a bit of time during the flight by getting my camera ready. Given the ban on knives and sharp things on planes it proved completely impossible to open the SD card packaging.

Meanwhile, I now carry a safety pin in the back of my phone case - as it fits the SD-card eject perfectly - which will no doubt lead to blood loss one day. Hopefully I won't let any small person eat it, but if they sit too close to me while I'm opening a blister pack with the nearest sharp knife ...
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