The Vuelta highlights on Quest

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
As for the ongoing failure of my PVR to record the highlights shows... I now suspect that Quest is not transmitting the correct series link codes so the PVR is not detecting the starts of the shows. (Manual recording works fine.) I have deleted the series link and will see if setting the PVR to record the individual shows works.


Kilometre nibbler
I find that both Lanterne Rouge and Chris Horner have irritating delivery. But if (to steal @ColinJ 's phrase) you can get past that they are both interesting.

Maybe the trick is to pick your style and stick to your style so that eventually listeners cease to notice it and just focus on what you're saying - rather than how you're saying it.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I find that both Lanterne Rouge and Chris Horner have irritating delivery. But if (to steal @ColinJ 's phrase) you can get past that they are both interesting.

Maybe the trick is to pick your style and stick to your style so that eventually listeners cease to notice it and just focus on what you're saying - rather than how you're saying it.
Yes, I find Lanterne Rouge'delivery equally irritating.

I looked back at some of Horner's earlier videos and was actually irritated by his slower, drawling pace in those! They were also less professionally recorded so the sound quality was poor.


Nope... It REALLY does not want to record the Vuelta!!

I can watch it by casting Discovery+ to the TV but it would much easier to skip the ads on the PVR.

Mine is also now constantly refusing to record them. Also results in the PVR being locked on attempting to record them
Last night I ended up pulling the power plug on it to get it to behave.
Did a flick through the live coverage on Discovery+ using the timeline markers which did get a bit tedious with the buffering.
The E2 highlights on Discovery+ I find you can fast forward through the ads, probkem is judging how long to that for given the lack of a matching moving picture.
Mine is also now constantly refusing to record them. Also results in the PVR being locked on attempting to record them
Last night I ended up pulling the power plug on it to get it to behave.

Well ... THIS is intriguing! Ours managed the weekend shows, but barfed much as you describe above last night.
(It's some flavour of Humax, lots of years old now.)
As it had recorded 58mins before the "unscheduled power interruption event", I did try watching what we had ..

Good News: there's lovely Orla fronting it!
Bad News: We can't hear her! Oh ... no sound on the whole program ... 🤦‍♂️ ...

So I watched it on Tiz. (Which annoyingly still had Carlton wibbling his nonsense!)


Legendary Member
I watched Sundays highlights, as I'd missed them, after watching last nights highlights "live" via Disco+ app on my TV. On Sundays stage I got no adverts, just a shortish (maybe 30 seconds) "black screen" and then back to the Adam Yates show. most refreshing! It is a while before the highlights show up for free though.


Legendary Member
A wet afternoon so decided to watch the live race in catch up mode. I wanted to cast the live footage from Discovery to the chromecast. Casting is fine and works well for the highlights but for some reason it doesn’t let me watch from the beginning if the race is in progress. Curiously,it works as it should on the iPad but not once it’s cast to the tv. Rather ruins the ending!

I also can’t find the incident cues that @Mike_P refers to above?


I also can’t find the incident cues that @Mike_P refers to above?
Bring up the fast forward etc symbols and they should be a row above



I am going of the subject here now but can O'Connor hang on to go on and win the Vuelta more than 3 minutes is a big lead to lose ? My guess is he will go on to win the Vuelta


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
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