The Vuelta highlights on Quest

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As for the ongoing failure of my PVR to record the highlights shows... I now suspect that Quest is not transmitting the correct series link codes so the PVR is not detecting the starts of the shows. (Manual recording works fine.) I have deleted the series link and will see if setting the PVR to record the individual shows works.

is this why i have not been able to record it!! i set my free sat to record the series on Quest HD and it failed every time. tried deleting and starting it again. finally gave up and set it to record on the non HD channel and it worked. will only get to watch the last few races on the big screen so pretty annoying. have been watching and reading sporadically since this wasn't recording.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
is this why i have not been able to record it!! i set my free sat to record the series on Quest HD and it failed every time.
I gave up in the end and have been watching online instead.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
pics from ride mates strava

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