I hope I don't sound like a bit of a whinger, but, my knees are giving real jip the last couple of days. Cycling around and about does not cause any pain, but after about a mile or so of walking they start to hurt.
I had to stop a couple of times this on this afternoons dog walk. I have taken a neproxin, hoping it will take the pain and aches away this evening. 😟
I don't experience this but I am recovering from a big crash in which my right knee took a real beating. I have yet to regain full flexion, I can't bend the knee backwards more than 90⁰ when I should be able to raise my foot to my backside. The two remaining issues are stiffness and swelling.
Both my PT and physio agree with the following. I can cycle 60-65 miles without any reaction as being clipped in the leg is held in one position and there is little pressure on it. If the knee is swollen when I set off cycling the swelling will disappear during the ride. The calf muscle is huge and pumps the fluid causing the swelling away.
When walking the foot is constantly adjusting its position. These adjustments are reflected up the leg meaning the knee is moving in several different directions which stresses and irritates it.
For months I iced the knee for 20 -30 minutes every evening. Every morning I stretch for 20 - 25, including stretches focused on loosening up the knee and preparing it for the day. If I don't do this fhe knee will swell during the day.
I've stopped wearing flat footwear in the house; slippers, crocs, sandals etc. For daily use I have two identical pairs of Skerchers trainers. An indoor and outdoor pair. I wear these as often as possible. My idea being the foot is well supported and kept in the same position all the time.
Finally I try to avoid protecting the knee and do everything as normally as possible.
These things are all helping and just recently I've seen quite rapid improvement. I began these regimes in late October so about four months to start seeing the benefits.
Good luck