Just got back from a walk into town - one of watches (posh or what!!) was going slow so I went to get a new battery for it
On the way back there were 3 kids in fron of me approaching the park
2 girls - probably 13-14 years old and a younger boy behind
Looked like teenage girel and her friend - and the brother of one of the girls - and the parents had told them to get out and walk the dog
The dog in question was an XL Bully type things - massive shoulder and head - but looked well looked after and happy
One of the 2 girls was holding teh dog's lead
anyway the lad was a bit behind when they got to the park so they didn;t notice him bend down and pick up a discarded plastic bottle
or when he lobbed itover their heads to go in front of them
naturally the dog shot off to chase it - this nearly pulling the girl holding the lead over
Yup - lad doing his right and proper duty as a Brother and annoying his sister I reckon!
to be fair they were all laughing about it when I passed - and calling him several rude names
it was funny