I do get confused
I used to be laughed at for going on holiday with factor 8 suncream only - and lots of it
everyone else took a small bottle of factor 6 and then use 3 or 4 after the first few days
even though I was spening most of the holiday on a sailing dinghy out in the middle of a bay
nowadays we are talking about factors like 50 being a minimum
in the 1980s/90s that would have required a 1mm sheet of aluminium at least to achieve it!!
I presume the system has changed - otherwise my fair skin would have burnt terribly!!
What people have to remember is the spf scale is not linear, so spf 4 is not twice as effective as spf 2 and the improvements get smaller and smaller as you go up the scale.
So let’s say you use spf 15 (which is about the minimum that’s required these days ) that blocks 93% of uvb rays.
Spf 30 blocks 96.7% of uvb rays .
Spf50 blocks 98% of uvb rays .
Spf 100 blocks 99% of uvb rays.
At these levels the most important thing is reapplying regularly. 😀
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