The Retirement Thread

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Well - the brickies have turned up and are finished off the brickwork on the new shed

but the landscape people are missing

I got up at 8 expecting them - or at least a few of them - to have arrived already and be sorting stuff out ready to start

but no - only the 2 working on the shed

I presume they are waiting for a delivery of "stuff" and know that it will arrive later on

not asking - I'll just let them get on with it

hopefully I will be able to rescue my bike from the old shed ina day or so and it can be locked up in the new shed
ad I can get out on it

should be OK - the new storm seems to avoid civilised areas and just be annoying posh areas down south that don;t matter so that's good!
What a lovely morning here. It’s quite chilly but the sky is clear and we have some sun. Looks like two or three dry days to come. Might dry up the paths a bit.

It might be a noisy day as the workers putting Virgin fibre in have started on our street.
Am I allowed to make comments about Virgins in Mo's street???


thought not
OK then

in other news - found out that when the builders emptied the old metal shed so they could move it they found a dead hedgehog at the back of it!

shame - the doors don;t fully close at the bottom which never fixed so little things could go there in winter - looks like that one didn;t make it through


Good morning. Dank. #SP1 is here, she's upstairs with Nana who is still in bed.....that'll learn her. I'm grabbing five minutes with a coffee.

#SP1 wants to go swimming. This is Nana's role but she can't take her this week. Mrs P had a melanoma removed 10 days ago and she's not allowed to swim till next week. The melanoma was a side effect of her cancer treatment. I can't quite believe that.

I offered to take SP to the public pool. This was declined as she likes David Lloyd!!!!

The next request is to visit Hoppity. Hoppity is a sheep with spina bifida that a friend keeps. She has a small holding and raises a few lambs each year. Hoppity is 3 years now. In all honesty I don't fancy a 20 minute cold damp trek across wet fields to visit a sheep.

I have a routine opthalmology appointment to check my eye pressures and pre-glaucoma indicators. Purely precautionary as there is family history of glaucoma.


You had grandsons when you were 2???

Iknew strange things happened in the Welsh Hills but .......
More bloody coffee to wipe up........
Just had a text - well SWMBO has

apparently her sister is in hospital


they really don;t seem to be able to sort her out

what we need is Dr House from the telly - which I am watching at the moment while SWMBO is watching Corrie or endless political stuff

between the 2 of them I think they are trying to tick off everything!!!
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