As ever, almost certainly the last out of bed, but then we are usually the last in.
Got up at 10.15am to a beautiful blue sky. V.cold. Outside thermometer reading -6°C.
Still haven't put the new curtains up - the blockage is that they need ironing and the ironing board is in the attic. 🤔
Turbo session followed by a walk around town to take some new clothes in to the very excellent tailor to do minor alterations.
Afternoon doss followed by party for two and usual Friday very late night malarkey.
Other matters:
The economy is bothering me but we can't talk about that, however, I think I am on safe ground mentioning inflation calculation. Why is it that our own calculations, and we are more than most on top of our domestic finances, bear no relation to official figures? Our food costs have increased massively year on year. Frustrating! PS: I am not pleading poverty here.
Tech-savvy. Picking up from this thread earlier in the week and the due NHS App revamp (brilliant, imo) the attendant conversation is that it leaves many people behind re understanding of tech'. Maybe for the very old and people with learning difficulties etc (although that shouldn't stand in the way of progress) how can anyone in their 60's & 70's not understand how to use a simple App? This is old tech' now.
Scams. Unless either of us here lose our marbles I can never see us getting scammed. There has been enough publicity about them over the years
We know an older couple who live in a series of inter-linked cul-de-sacs populated by well-off older folk. They are scam-paranoid. They have early warning systems in place (great stuff for those truly at a loss, not knocking that) but, boy, do they get in a tizz when someone gets a scam email, phone call, etc. An almost hysterical 'excitement' descends upon the community with messages shuttling back and forth sparking more conversations and further messages. Total overkill. Maybe they are bored?
Clothing sizes. I buy L sized tops. But the arms are always too long, hence getting them shortened. It would be nice to be able to get tops with different arm lengths as per trouser leg lengths.
Have a good afternoon all.
TLDR: Late to rise again. Going to Kendal town centre - tailoring stuff. Fun night tonight planned. Various witterings possibly interesting, probably not, and a have a good pm finale.