The Retirement Thread

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Leg End Member
My brother left it unlocked and the cat sat on it. It could have been worse. The cat might have actually turned the camera on, them I would have been looking at its bum.
Well, then you could have charged him for giving his cat a check up, without the need to use a local anaesthetic(Which would have increased the cost).


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...

Brrrrr.... ❄️


Started young, and still going.
Good morning all fellow retirees.
It's a cold -5⁰ outside at the moment. :cold:
Most of the things to do this morning are very mundane.
I have to measure the seats, bed and the toilets for the heights and answer a short questionnaire about stairs, steps and the like for the physiotherapy department at the hospital for whenever I get the new knee.
MrsP reckons the tyres on the car need pumping up and I'll go and get a haircut.
The escape committee is meeting this afternoon at The Railway Bell .
My day in a nutshell.
Enjoy yours.



Legendary Member
Temperature has actually dropped in the last hour, it's now - 6°. That's not supposed to happen :angry:


Warrington Council have a good system. You type in your postcode and it tells you what/when the next collection is.
No idea if other councils have similar systems.
Our blue, recycle bin was collected today and is full again. We had 8 people here over Christmas and 8 people create a lot of waste.
Yes, same here. Chorley issue a collection calendar in December for the following year but if one is unsure then a quick post code search on the CBC website gives the info. Apparently some people add the collection days to their Google calendar and get notifications about whoch bins are due when.............can't say I know anyone who does that? :whistle::whistle:


Good morning from a chilly Dorset. We're off on the train to the Costa Jurassica town of Weymouth later this morning for our monthly meet up. A tour of the pubs followed by lunch at the excellent Rona bar and grill for some authentic Turkish cuisine. Stay warm folks, like @Dave7 we've " gone gangbusters " with the heating and are considering turning on an extra bar 😁
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