My DIL's biological father has been married three times and her mother twice. So that's three mothers and two fathers.
My son and DIL decided the families should all meet for dinner. We duly did. It was the first time all three wives and two husbands had been in a room together. Mrs P and I had a great night..........we just sat back and watched. 🤣
I am my wife's 3rd husband
the first - and her son's biological father - was kicked out many many years ago and buggered off
the second is "not well thought of" - she mutters a lot when his name crops up
he will be at "The Wedding" in June - which she is not happy about but wouldn't interfere (but would like to!!!)
I have plan A
Check where we are sitting and where he - and probably his dog - sorry, I mean partner - are sitting and keep them apart
Plan B - bugger off and play outside with the kids on the basis that someone has to stop the youngest falling/jumping/getting pushed into the lake
Plan C- especially for later - get pissed
It all depends on the families and the people - I have seen some familes where , once things have calmed down, the women whisper and snigger in the corner at family dos
other where they sit in opposite corners and you can feel the tension lancing across the room