Well, hello! He says in a bright and cheerful fashion. Dank, grey, chilly. We haven't really had any proper weather in 2024. Today? Friends announced yesterday they will be popping in for lunch enroute to family in Sheffield. Arrival time 1.00pm. This is good except the mighty Rovers are at home. I, and two sons, will be leaving at 2.00pm to follow the path of enlightenment to the temple of football known as Ewood Park. Hull City today. This is a game we MUST win. Potentially we could drop out of the top six, even down to eighth. I don't want this to happen!
Otherwise? I have weighed out my flapjack ingredients, just waiting for the oven to warm sufficiently to cook it. Mrs P has given me a clock to mend. Is the woman deluded? How long have we been together? 46 years! She really should know by now my clock mending abilities are somewhat limited. I will take the back off, have a poke around, put the back on again. Then we can buy a new one.
My lads are on holiday this week so no childminding duties for us, they can look after their own kids. Granddad does need a rest. Plans are being laid for cycle rides on Monday and Tuesday. The weather will be cr@p but ever the optimist.......................