The Retirement Thread

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I was going to join my local U3A group until I found the cycling section operated a "no helmet, no ride" policy and were not in any way open to rational discussion.
They can just do one as far as I'm concerned! :angry:
I have to answer this. I'm a committee member and Treasurer for our u3a. Each individual u3a is a charity in its own right. A committee member is automatically a trustee of the charity. As trustees, collectively and individually, we have very significant responsibilities to the charity and the individual u3a members. The Charity Commission requires any charity to have a raft of policies and procedures in place. Every year as Treasurer I sign a legally binding declaration that we have said policies in place.

The H&S policy requires members to wear helmets as does the insurance cover.

It's far from being irrational. The policies exist to protect individual members and those who organise events on their behalf.


Legendary Member
I cycled up to the barbers and got a haircut. It was quite untidy. No waiting, straight in. He was complaining that trade had gone very slack in the last week or so.
I've also been out in the garden raking up rotten windfalls from nextdoor apple trees
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Only a mother could love him ^_^


Just a thought, what is the normal male to female mix in the group. Before anyone jumps to conclusions I am not after another partner, I just do not normally enjoy male group company, one of the reason you are unlikely to find me in our local pub unless there is a band on.
My u3a is 60/40 F/M but many others have a greater proportion of women. The M/F ratio seems to change according to how long established each u3a is. Our u3a is 5 years old, we get a lot of couples joining. Longer established groups tend to have more female members.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
That's it, I am officially cream crackered ad I haven't finished yet. 3 walls done. One needs another coat of paint then all I have to do is the ceiling.

one cupboard door done, still to do the others, oh and I cleaned out all the cupboards as well along with everything in them, then put everything back minus 1 or 5 things that I found in the back of cupboards like old plastic measuring things, a cable to something we threw out years ago, and even a few things I don't even have a clue as to what they are. Oh and I found the Instructions for the washing machine as well. A bit late now as we've had it for about 6 years but sill :laugh:
Been flooded with advert for "Oodies" today

for those that don;t know it is like a sort of microfiber cape thing
beloved by girls and women

When she was in hospital her daughter turned up in one and everyone (except me) was saying how lovely and warm and comfy it was

I commented it felt nice

so they decided that was my Christmas present sorted
I commented - quite sharply for me - that it's very nice but I would never wear it
she thinks she knows me but she really knows the sort of men she has always know and not people like me
I just said "Nah "
so - as usual she was all - Yes you would - you'd love it

my wife just looked at her and said

He won't - no chance he would ever wear it

Everyone thinks that I am this soft helpful bloke who always agrees with people and never argues
they don;t realise that I often disagree - I just say so and drop it

and I have red lines that my wife recognises but they have never noticed

I might still get one for Christmas - my wife can have it or the grand-daughter

weird how people always assume you are like they husband and just a bit different
and not a totally different person

anyway - no idea why I am getting the adverts - marketing is weird

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Been flooded with advert for "Oodies" today

for those that don;t know it is like a sort of microfiber cape thing
beloved by girls and women

When she was in hospital her daughter turned up in one and everyone (except me) was saying how lovely and warm and comfy it was

I commented it felt nice

so they decided that was my Christmas present sorted
I commented - quite sharply for me - that it's very nice but I would never wear it
she thinks she knows me but she really knows the sort of men she has always know and not people like me
I just said "Nah "
so - as usual she was all - Yes you would - you'd love it

my wife just looked at her and said

He won't - no chance he would ever wear it

Everyone thinks that I am this soft helpful bloke who always agrees with people and never argues
they don;t realise that I often disagree - I just say so and drop it

and I have red lines that my wife recognises but they have never noticed

I might still get one for Christmas - my wife can have it or the grand-daughter

weird how people always assume you are like they husband and just a bit different
and not a totally different person

anyway - no idea why I am getting the adverts - marketing is weird

Ahh I've seen those. To be honest, I think they look stupid. I wouldn't wear one in a million years.


Ahh I've seen those. To be honest, I think they look stupid. I wouldn't wear one in a million years.
i did not know what they were,so i have just googled it,nah not for me either,sorry no capitals again this time i have a coffee in my hand.


What a day :wacko: Morning was OK, did a couple of hours of work, it all went wrong when I took my son out for a driving lesson, I thought he was bloody rude and didn’t listen, he thought I was impatient so we had a massive falling out, mainly my fault as I have an unbelievably short fuse. So some bridges to build :sad:


I've just changed three light switches, one in the hall and the two exciting ones that control the landing light and therefore have more wires to get wrong. I also got a couple of new 6" ceiling pendants after realising how shabby the originals looked. I got MK ones, really impressed as when I unscrewed the rose from the base plate there was about a 4" length of earth sleeving and about 1" length of brown sleeving for marking switched live if required. That's really thoughtful.


Legendary Member
It's been a good day so far. Lots of dents have been done. Orders have been sent out for the second business. For lunch, I had a Cornetto and a Mars ice cream; I could not figure out which one I wanted. I am now sitting down to answer FB messages from people from my very younger days who have contacted me. Off for gym and swim at 6pm
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