The Retirement Thread

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Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Bonjour. The weather looks fine so far with no rain predicted so I intend to go for a ride later.
The work on the West Wing has come to a stop as Mrs G can't decide what colour to paint one wall and I am useless at colour schemes. When I suggest something , she says it won't go with whatever so I just agree with what she chooses.
Off to take Molly for a walk now.


A rest day today, I feel my body needs it. After collecting granddaughter from school yesterday I went for a wander around the roads leading down to Alum Chine and came across a small gardens " Skerryvore ", the site of the former residence of RL Stevenson until it was bombed during WW2. Evidently he wrote " Kidnapped " and " The Strange Case of Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde " whil residing there. It's quite overgrown and needs some tlc. The monument is a model of a lighthouse that was built by another family member.

Covid jab this afternoon for both of us

I have also put the travel cot and Peppa Pig Duvet on Freecycle and FaceAche to see if anyone wants them
apparently charity shops won;t take stuff like that - although the duvet and pillow covers would be OK

We shall see what happens - last things I put on Freecycle had zero response!

Oh - and we now have the winter duvets on the beds
personally I would have waited a few weeks - but it was worth doing all of them at once then the storage bags can go back in the loft for the winter


i am deliriously happy. So pleased we are going to do it one more least


Good morning. It's a beautiful day in Lancashire, dry, bright, sunny. I will work on the allotment later but first need to finish household chores. Obviously the main event of the day has already passed!! :laugh: A major item on m y agenda is to find Mrs P's teddy bear. It's in a loft box along with a lot of other precious stuff. There have been other similar requests or things Mrs P has done without remark. I feel I understand what's happening. It doesn't make me sad and I've decided it's best to say nothing.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Gorgeous day here now. Blue skies and sunshine.

I didn't get round to pottering. I have decided to paint the kitchen, so I've spent the last 3 hours cleaning the walls. I still have to do the ceiling but I've run out of cleaner,so will do that tomorrow when it comes.

I've ordered paint as well
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