The Retirement Thread

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In many cases, you need someone on the inside to get you in; I'm not sure how you achieve that, though. I have found a few times when trying to volunteer that the people running the place moan that they had no help, and then when some was offered, they did not want to share.

I suppose they get fed up having , as volunteers themselves quite often, to deal with people who are neither use nor ornament and end up thinking they are better only accepting people they know

The only volunteering things I can see locally are the shop assistant type things
I might end up asking the local Food Bank if they want someone to work in their place behind the scenes - at least then I will be on hand if they need I support - as I am supposed to be their first contact
not that they need much!


Leg End Member
Steady @numbnuts steady.......
They'd be after him for burning a non smokeless fuel, bigger fine.


I suppose they get fed up having , as volunteers themselves quite often, to deal with people who are neither use nor ornament and end up thinking they are better only accepting people they know

The only volunteering things I can see locally are the shop assistant type things
I might end up asking the local Food Bank if they want someone to work in their place behind the scenes - at least then I will be on hand if they need I support - as I am supposed to be their first contact
not that they need much!

I volunteer once a week at a local bike charity in their workshop, I love it, highlight of my week.


Leg End Member
Sorry but I'm annoyed

Not at Dave - whatever he seems to have done

but I decided to volunteer my services to other people ato help out society
or - more likely - to feel good about myself

anyway - I tried to volunteer to help out people who are having trouble with IT stuff
I should be good at that as I used to be a programmer - plus other stuff - and then was an IT teacher and IT technician in schools

so - I tried a few places and ended up with a group based in Sefton (in Liverpool - ish) but looking for people to help out in libraries and other places all over the area.
Nice lady and ended up going to Ditton Library every Tuesday
and sat there playing on the internet for 2 hours then went home
over several months I help 3 people - and one of those was just someone I got talking to and didn;t come in for help

so it was a bit of a wast really

so she looked around and found that Age UK run a similar scheme and she put me in touch with them
so I sent an email

that was several weeks again and there has been no reply
OK - she could have gone off on a late holiday but it has now been ages

so I tried via their website
which doesn;t seem to work

I found another grou that was asking for similar
but their application form was VERY complicated and was asking things I couln't answer
like, for example - what area are you applying for - with a drop down list which doesn;t include Halton or Merseyside
and then says it NEEDS a work plce based recent reference - which I can;t provide as I have not worked for years

and other stuff

honestly - it would be esier to get a bloomin' job!!!!
Calmed down now?


Leg End Member
Manchester Evening News is leading with the chaos surrounding the CooP Live Springsteen ticket sale chaos. People are clearly upset.
They'll jump at any story about ticket sales, following the dynamic pricing fiasco for a comeback tour.
Knew there was something else

We had our flu jabs yesterday at the GP place

I asked if we could have Covid jabs at the same time - but apparently they don;t do them - we have to ask at a pharmacy or go through the NHS app (AKA web site!)

SO I did that for me and rang the pharmacy to ask if my wife come come at the same time
apparently you can just wander in off the streets and have both if you are eligible

Instead of which we booked in at the GP and had to wait 2 weeks for the appointment

but anyway - we will be done tomorrow


Re volunteering. Some organisations are very welcoming and some seem to make it difficult. When I was looking at volunteering opportunity’s I thought about things like Sustans and the canal’s and river trust . But I couldn’t even get though the Web page or no one go back to me
. So ended up with Warwickshire wildlife trust and Friends of Brandon wood who both welcomed me with open arms and very little paperwork, which is always a good thing.😀.
On the other hand one of my friends has started volunteering at a food bank in Stratford on Avon , he had to fill in a two page questionnaire and get two references from two people that have known him for at least a decade. That seemed a little excessive to me considering he wouldn’t be working with children or vulnerable adults etc , but I am sure they had their reasons .

Night night everyone. Need a early night as I am volunteering tomorrow. 🙂
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