The Retirement Thread

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I hope I'm on safe ground by saying that I had a chocolate éclair this morning. :hungry:


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Salut. Not much done so far. Just some modifications in my bike shed. Mrs G is out at the moment but there is one more wall to paper in the West Wing so she might want to do that later. Can't go for a ride as the weather won't let me.
I think I will watch Bargain Hunt with a cup of coffee.


Jumped on the bus to collect granddaughter from school. I got the earlier bus in case of traffic hold up. Of course the bus sailed through and I arrived nearly an hour early. Sat in the Goat and Tricycle opposite the school supping on a pint of alcohol free Guinness and munching on a bag of Cheese and Onion crisps with " together in electric dreams " playing over the sound system. Going through Westbourne on the way over I saw an elderly chap with his wife, he had a fine head of black curly locks and looked familiar, then the penny dropped, Ray Dorset from Mungo Jerry. I know he lives locally and does the occasional local gig for charity, but it's only the second time I have seen him in the flesh.


Legendary Member
It would probably be too much to ask the person who complained about the post to explain themselves and say why they complained about a post.
That would mean owning up though instead of hiding behind a pseudonym and anominaty on the intra web.
Does it have to be an individual that has complained ?
Can it not just be the mods picking up on it.? I have no idea.
I got a pleasant email this morning from a particular mod warning me not to do it again and referring me to the rules.


Does it have to be an individual that has complained ?
Can it not just be the mods picking up on it.? I have no idea.
I got a pleasant email this morning from a particular mod warning me not to do it again and referring me to the rules.
I think this is the most likely explanation. Also keep in mind it isn't only the old farts who read this thread. Any CCer can visit and could complain/report a post.

Both more likely than one of us being unhappy with content in here.
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Leg End Member
Forget about rain, there's snow on the way for the weekend!
Sorry but I'm annoyed

Not at Dave - whatever he seems to have done

but I decided to volunteer my services to other people ato help out society
or - more likely - to feel good about myself

anyway - I tried to volunteer to help out people who are having trouble with IT stuff
I should be good at that as I used to be a programmer - plus other stuff - and then was an IT teacher and IT technician in schools

so - I tried a few places and ended up with a group based in Sefton (in Liverpool - ish) but looking for people to help out in libraries and other places all over the area.
Nice lady and ended up going to Ditton Library every Tuesday
and sat there playing on the internet for 2 hours then went home
over several months I help 3 people - and one of those was just someone I got talking to and didn;t come in for help

so it was a bit of a wast really

so she looked around and found that Age UK run a similar scheme and she put me in touch with them
so I sent an email

that was several weeks again and there has been no reply
OK - she could have gone off on a late holiday but it has now been ages

so I tried via their website
which doesn;t seem to work

I found another grou that was asking for similar
but their application form was VERY complicated and was asking things I couln't answer
like, for example - what area are you applying for - with a drop down list which doesn;t include Halton or Merseyside
and then says it NEEDS a work plce based recent reference - which I can;t provide as I have not worked for years

and other stuff

honestly - it would be esier to get a bloomin' job!!!!


Legendary Member
Sorry but I'm annoyed

Not at Dave - whatever he seems to have done

but I decided to volunteer my services to other people ato help out society
or - more likely - to feel good about myself

anyway - I tried to volunteer to help out people who are having trouble with IT stuff
I should be good at that as I used to be a programmer - plus other stuff - and then was an IT teacher and IT technician in schools

so - I tried a few places and ended up with a group based in Sefton (in Liverpool - ish) but looking for people to help out in libraries and other places all over the area.
Nice lady and ended up going to Ditton Library every Tuesday
and sat there playing on the internet for 2 hours then went home
over several months I help 3 people - and one of those was just someone I got talking to and didn;t come in for help

so it was a bit of a wast really

so she looked around and found that Age UK run a similar scheme and she put me in touch with them
so I sent an email

that was several weeks again and there has been no reply
OK - she could have gone off on a late holiday but it has now been ages

so I tried via their website
which doesn;t seem to work

I found another grou that was asking for similar
but their application form was VERY complicated and was asking things I couln't answer
like, for example - what area are you applying for - with a drop down list which doesn;t include Halton or Merseyside
and then says it NEEDS a work plce based recent reference - which I can;t provide as I have not worked for years

and other stuff

honestly - it would be esier to get a bloomin' job!!!!

In many cases, you need someone on the inside to get you in; I'm not sure how you achieve that, though. I have found a few times when trying to volunteer that the people running the place moan that they had no help, and then when some was offered, they did not want to share.
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