The Retirement Thread

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Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
I don't like you lot anymore . I may throw my toys out of the pram :laugh:

I have returned from the Metropolis. Shopping done. Fille the petrol tank up. Dropped n to see my daughter on the way home.

Now eating a chicken and stuffing sandwich and I have a cup of coffee.

What have they done to you @welsh dragon ? You would think that those of "a certain age" (ie the old codgers on her) would have better manners than to upset a gentle young lady like yourself ;)

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
What have they done to you @welsh dragon ? You would think that those of "a certain age" (ie the old codgers on her) would have better manners than to upset a gentle young lady like yourself ;)

Now you're brown nosing :laugh:


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Just returned from a long weekend down south (NW Kent & SE London).

Went to catch-up with family and discuss updated Will etc with appropriate parties, plus welcomed new G.Grandchild into the world.

All went well and we had a great time.

Only downer was the standard of driving down there. No courtesy whatsoever and very much every man/woman for themselves. Plus, sooo... much traffic. Found it quite stressful tbh.

Glad we no longer live down there.


Legendary Member
Ironing done, Mini D walked home, raining again, a pleasant Q evening at home for me.
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