The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
I do have bread making machine, but I am just testing myself.
Serious question.
What is the advantage of hand baking against a machine.
I did a shop online years ago, can't remember who it was with, but I wasn't impressed. Most of the item seemed to have a very short shelf life. I think they took all the stuff that no one in the shop wanted because of the time limit and sent it to me. Plus there were things that they had substituted because the thing I ordered was out of stock, but they were nothing like the item ordered. There were crazy things like instead of getting tomatoes I got a pack of lightnings. Slightly different :laugh:

I didn't do online shopping again

I used to work for a "large Mail Order Company" - getting towards Christmas stock sometimes ran very low and staff were supposed to send substitutes (plus very easy ways of rejecting them

There were always rumours of strange ones
for example - subing a dolls pram for a toy wheelbarrow
or even proper prams for wheelbarrows!!!

and worse

management's reason for allowing them was that very few got rejected in spit of th reject process being very easy!!!!

anyway - more to the point
when Tesco started deliveries I used to use it. It started quite well - no real problems except for clear accidents
but then it looked like someone in managlement had a look and did what you said
we tended to order enough for a week or so - so would order several things like cucumbers because we used a LOT of them at that time
then get 5 all dying tomorrow!!

turned out that the staff had initially just been sent round to fulfil the order so did what they would do for themselves
then manglement told them to always get the shortest sell by dates
so we stopped using it except for tinned stuff and other long dated stuff

never use it now - but can imagine it goes in phases where customer service and satisfaction is the priority
then manglement look at the money and then profits become the priority
until they start getting complaints and we all back back again

arn't big companies wonderful
RIght - managed to get SWMBO up in time to get to an early appointment at the GP for a flu jab for both of us

they also wanted to take her blood pressure because the computer said to

glad they didn;t want mine as well as it would have been high because
a) being in a doctor's place
b) worrying about getting her to the place on time

and (c) having just read about the paedophile Head Teacher in North Wales who was convicted a few months ago
and it now appears that he had been "at it" for a LONG time before that

which means he was sexually assaulting (maybe raping - probably in fact) girls when my daughter was at that school

so am rather "annoyed"

(Note - they were all vulnerable and low ability kids - which rules my daughter out
makes it worse in a lot of ways but at least she was probably well out of his target area!!!)


I did a shop online years ago, can't remember who it was with, but I wasn't impressed. Most of the item seemed to have a very short shelf life. I think they took all the stuff that no one in the shop wanted because of the time limit and sent it to me. Plus there were things that they had substituted because the thing I ordered was out of stock, but they were nothing like the item ordered. There were crazy things like instead of getting tomatoes I got a pack of lightnings. Slightly different :laugh:

I didn't do online shopping again

We tried years and years ago. Took ages. Pressed the wrong button. Lost the lot.......and the plot. I won't bother again unless I'm physically unable to get to supermarket.

I'm quite happy to visit the supermarket. I like to see what I'm getting and I do check the dates on dairy products. I can't say I check anything else.
When I did it I found that the first time was quite difficult to get the hang of

but after you got the hang of it it got easier

(still talking about shopping - just in case "some people" comment!!!!!!)

it also started coming up with a list of things I normally get which made it all easier

still don;t do it
during the pandemic - when I kept getting letters saying "IF YOU GET COVID YOU WILL KILL YOUR WIFE!!!!!" (OK I might have over reacted to them) I still avoided the deliveries in spite of being entitled to priority due to SWMBO's health stuff

SWMBO agreed with me on the basis that I would go mad (sometimes she said "even more mad) if I didn;t get out and do something a few times a week!!!!

so - it does depend on the person and circumstances


Legendary Member
I like that idea, but you cannot blame the machine when it goes wrong.
Just sayin like
😊😊😊 (smug faces)

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I don't like you lot anymore . I may throw my toys out of the pram :laugh:

I have returned from the Metropolis. Shopping done. Fille the petrol tank up. Dropped n to see my daughter on the way home.

Now eating a chicken and stuffing sandwich and I have a cup of coffee.


Legendary Member
I don't like you lot anymore . I may throw my toys out of the pram :laugh:

I have returned from the Metropolis. Shopping done. Fille the petrol tank up. Dropped n to see my daughter on the way home.

Now eating a chicken and stuffing sandwich and I have a cup of coffee.

Well we still like you.
Dont like stuffing though.... Too stodgy for me.
Sue could eat a plateful of it.
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