The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
I have had a post moved to NCAP, I apologise for putting it in here, it was not meant to offend anyone.
Busy day today...
THE guardian, the court appointed honcho that everyone reports into is visiting this evening, they like to see the home setting how the girls are fitting in etc etc, prior to the court day, just to make sure all is well.

Wife is very poorly so she can't do much if anything and two kids soon make a never ending today is square up day (its really not that bad but a real hood chance to dig deep doesn't come often)
(For those reading this who don't know, we are imminently (next week) going to become guardians for two of our grandchildren)

Good on you.


A really busy day...wife still worryingly unwell, hopefully just the result of her radiotherapy.
Kids up, breakfasted and off to school.
General clean up round the house.
Kids beds changed, bedset laundered, now ready to bring in.
Another load of washing in just for hood measure.
Went to shops twice.
The Guardian has been and gone, all went well.
Tea cooked and eaten.
Took the kiddos To the park youngest (nearly4) on her scooter, eldest (8) went on her skates which is only her second time, her hanging on my arm for stability. Got to the park, shes off with friends and managing albeit shakily, without help.
Home as it got dark, get them to bed , get them a snack (crackers and cheese).
Get in the bath....and relax.

Retirement, what retirement ?


Leg End Member
It might have been my Columbo sketch. I saw it as humor, but obviously, someone else did not. I fully accept that. Again, I apologise for my mistake.
Who could be offended by an American police lieutenant in a dirty mac, who asks awkward questions when he feels you've dropped your guard?


I have had a post moved to NCAP, I apologise for putting it in here, it was not meant to offend anyone.
Don't worry about it. I saw nothing offensive. My guess is that if we wished this group could discuss all manner of things without anyone being offensive, aggressive and all the other problems that can arise around some subjects.

It's an age thing.


Good it's still dark morning! The forecast is damp and showers which hopefully means #1 small person and I will be able to spend some time outside. Speaking of which I have to collect her in just over two hours and I've already been awake for three!!! :sad: Shortly I will attempt a snooze for 75 minutes and then start the day again.

Not much else to report. I need to get to the LBS to finalise my new bike. That I think is it for today though I've little doubt something will pop its head up.
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