Good morning. Bright, breezy and blue skies. All the kids and their families home for lunch today. Mrs P has made one of her magnificent lasganas. Her mother was Italian and she learned at the knee of a true Italian home cook.......................I sometimes think it's the reason the kids come home for lunch.
Last night we went to Chorley Live. A great local event over two nights when venues of every imaginable type put on bands, singers, choirs etc. All amateur, all local. £5 for a wristband which gives entry to all gigs, all weekend. The town was don't often say that about Chorley!! I bumped into our Lady Mayoress at one of the ukulele gigs. We laughed. The last time we saw each other was at a Springsteen gig in Cardiff!
Speaking of the man. Bruce is back, again, in May/June 2025. Tickets on pre-sale on the 10th and general sale on the 11th. Mrs P and I have hospital stuff on the 11th. Is it cool to surf Ticketmaster on the chemo ward? I think so!!!!!

I badly want to go again. We've put a ridiculously high limit on what we will pay for one last chance together. I'm not maudlin, please don't think this, but I'll pay just about anything for Mrs P and I to see one more gig. She struggled to Cardiff in May, sheer determination. I believe we will do it again.