The Retirement Thread

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OK - apparently we are having the grand kids overnight so their Dad can pick their Mum up from her holiday with her friends

he had to have a week off work as a result
not sure when he gets to go away with his friends without her but there we go

anyway - apparently his MIL has decided to take the youngest (nearly 4) out on his own
which means that we have a chance to take the oldest out climbing - we try to once a week - and then the others can come round here when the youngest is home

so I'm off soon to get her
about now actually


Leg End Member
Good morning all.
A cloudy start to the day here.
It's that time of the year, both MrsP and myself have covid jabs booked for this morning.
Dog walk first, then we will cycle up to the clinic and then do stuff in the garden. The green bin was emptied early today.
We will attempt to paint the fence as it is dry enough now. Grass still needs cutting as it didn't dry out enough yesterday.
Our daughter is coming over later this afternoon so I will cobble together some tea, or I might get a Chinese takeaway. Decisions decisions.
You're not bothered about getting caught?


Morning folks :okay: soggy old day here but thats ok as its a rest day. Have been doing 50 mile rides every other day, dont seem to be getting a lot stronger but my endurance is getting better. :okay:
In my experience this is how it should be. Your stamina and endurance will continue to grow which is a function of getting stronger.

If though by stronger you actually mean faster that only happens, again in my view, with a lot of hard work.


I guess we all have phases of enthusiasm ^_^ i havent been walking much and now more adapt to pushing pedals rather than striding up hills! I do have a purpose though...i intend in later years to be a local legend and still riding around the highlands at 90+ :laugh:
Now that is a very fine ambition. I fully intend to become the old bloke trundling up Waddington Fell in the distant future.


Well, this has been a busy week. Feet have hardly touched the ground. Today seems to be more relaxed, life as it should be.

Felt dreadful when I got up despite having slept for 10 hours.....and you know how unusual that is. I'm feeling very good now, a quick coffee and then up to the allotment for a few hours.

I found out yesterday Chorley held two folk festivals in '76 and '77. None of us knew of this despite living in the area for 43 years. The line-ups were amazing. To name a few. Dave Swarbrick, Barbara Dickinson, Fairport Convention, Hedgehog Pie (yes!), Richard and Linda Thompson, John Martyn, Dave Cousins, Mike Harding, June Tabor, The Chieftains, 5 Hand Reel, Gallagher & Lyle.......

£5.25 for a three day weekend ticket.......

They were called the July Wakes Festival

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
The sun is shining and my bedding is outside drying.

Sausages and something today. Not sure what the something is though


Before heading up for our Flu jab I thought I'd better eat something so had a bowl of porridge with half a banana sliced in to it. On leaving the church annexe where the Flu jabe were bing administered I helped myself to a chocolate as they were handing them out to the brave pensioners😉
Somehow we ended up in 'Spoons where I had Poached egg with Halloumi followed by a couple of rounds of tast and marmalade, all washed down with a glass of orange juice. Popped in to the Bread shop for a loaf and came out with a large cake that was half price, and an Eccles cake that wasn't. I've just scoffed the Eccles cake with my coffee. I tell myself I'm " Carbo Loading " in preparation for going for a jog in the morning 😁
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