The Retirement Thread

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Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
A decent innings.

Out of interest, what do us Oldies consider a decent innings?

85-90, reasonable health ie fully mobile & self-sufficient and no brain impairment. That will do me just fine.

A "decent innings" is 10-15 years older than I happen to be, when asked the question :laugh:

So, today, I would say 87-92 .... so long as you are fit and active that is.


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Could be worse, the previous regime could still be in.

They. are, aren't they ?


A "decent innings" is 10-15 years older than I happen to be, when asked the question :laugh:

So, today, I would say 87-92 .... so long as you are fit and active that is.

It's the fit and active part that's important. I'm aware of some cognitive decline, I no longer whiz through Cryptic crosswords, and when I started learning German a few years ago found it difficult to get things to " stick ". The other sure sign is that I've fairly recently been hanging out on message groups that are populated with old curmudgeons and reprobates...


Legendary Member
mmmm when is enough enough ie when do I wish to pop my clogs??
A complex question is that, like asking Welshie how many pairs of jeans is enough.
I have bored said before...... 5 years ago when Sue and I were super fit I wanted to live forever. Then life kicked me up the arse and perspectives changed.
I confess that there have since been nights when I honestly did not want to wake up again.
Today my legs are not as bad, I have my appetite and life looks brighter and I have no wish to depart this mortal coil ^_^.
Dare I mention the 'R' word. For those who believe in an after life their view must surely be different to mine..


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
mmmm when is enough enough ie when do I wish to pop my clogs??
A complex question is that, like asking Welshie how many pairs of jeans is enough.
I have bored said before...... 5 years ago when Sue and I were super fit I wanted to live forever. Then life kicked me up the arse and perspectives changed.
I confess that there have since been nights when I honestly did not want to wake up again.
Today my legs are not as bad, I have my appetite and life looks brighter and I have no wish to depart this mortal coil ^_^.
Dare I mention the 'R' word. For those who believe in an after life their view must surely be different to mine..

I'd definitely like to go on & on & on. Even with my body staying as it is (which is fit & mobile), I wouldn't even 'ask' to go back to those heady fitness days of my 20's/30's!

I can understand you feeling as you do on rough nights. :sad: Must be devastating losing your life partner. ☹️

Re the R-word. All I can say is that of the few believers I know, none seem too keen on getting to the promised land on the other side. Strange or what!


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!


Legendary Member
Completely coincidentally the online Magazine that I subscribe to has a fascinating article on the numerous ways that cells can die, some even sacrificing themselves to help protect the body...

I‘ve read quite a bit about fasting and how some scientists think it can clean out old dying cells which is interesting. There’s even a few supplements currently being touted as increasing longevity. No doubt something will materialise to do this at some point but too late for us. Not sure how the world would cope if we all lived to over 100 anyway.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
I’m actually quite scared about getting old and dying. Even although I don’t do much, I still enjoy life and would quite happily live for another fifty years if I could. :laugh:

I think most of us are. When I think about death, I remind myself of all the "famous" people who have gone over thousand of years. Death does scare me because I am a non believer so I can only see a big black hole with nothing at the end of it : gone for ever and ever .
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