The Retirement Thread

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67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
A lot of stupid voting went on just to try to make sure this party or that party didn't get, and look at the muppets we now have as opposed to other muppets.

In general terms, I am of the firm belief, that the only thing that is 'broken' in Britain, is politics.

Most people I know are thoroughly disillusioned with our crazy system of election (FPTP), lies, double standards and the sheer out-of-touch attitude of the Gov', of whatever colour.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Does anyone understand Met Office weather symbols? I confess to being stumped.

Tomorrow's weather for here:

50% chance of rain at 12.00 gets a raindrop but, 50% chance of rain at 13.00, doesn't. :wacko:



Getting old but not past it
North Wales
I managed to speak to somebody at Welsh Water and they agreed that our consumption is too high for just the two of us so there must be a leak somewhere. I need to take a reading of the water meter and use no water for 45 minutes and then take another reading.
Then turn the stoptap in the house and do the same again. That, it will tell us if the leak is in the house or on the ground and who is responsible for it.
Now, we had a water meter installed when we moved in last January and I noticed that the hole where the meter stands is full of water.
Also, we had a walk in shower put in a few months ago.
The leak must come from either of them two. I hope it is the first one.


Legendary Member
A few dents done, a small shopping trip to Lidl and Iceland done, and a few tears shed when I walked back into an empty house. A banana and golden syrup sandwich was consumed, now off out for a few more dents. It should be a rest day exercise wise for me, but I may just go to the gym or have a swim this evening. I am not very good at staying at home in the evenings.


Legendary Member
Does anyone understand Met Office weather symbols? I confess to being stumped.

Tomorrow's weather for here:

50% chance of rain at 12.00 gets a raindrop but, 50% chance of rain at 13.00, doesn't. :wacko:

View attachment 746833

quite obvious to me as I am technically gifted.
1300 will be wet.........but not quite as wet as 1200.
Also, the rain at 1200 will be that fine type that really wets you whereas at 1300 it will be p*ssing down but it wont wet you as much.
No need to thank me, I am always happy to help .
I dont know the origin of my weather app but have no idea what half the symbols are. There is one for humidity that looks like a suppository (maybe that one is correct ?)
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