The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
One of these firms at the door doing tree trimming. I have a conifer that’s getting out of hand and he wanted £120 to trim it down but told him I only had £70 cash in the house so he agreed to do it for that. Probably not too bad in this day and age.
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Legendary Member
One of these firms at the door doing tree trimming. I have a conifer that’s getting out of hand and he wanted £120 to trim it down but told him I only had £70 cash in the house so he agreed to do it for that. Probably not too bad in this day and age.

So long as he cleans up and takes it all away it's not too bad.
I always insist on seeing their certificate. I won't pay gyp our travelling friends, no matter how cheap.


Legendary Member
Garmin sleep tells me I was a sleep for 7 hours, I don't think I was, but if to just lie there without moving I think you can trick it to say your asleep


Bough three jars of locally made sauerkraut yesterday; dill & lemon, beetroot, Korean Kimchi after taste testing the six flavour available.
Had the lemon & dill on toast with fried eggs on top, good choice - ! :okay:
Also swung by our 'local' Polish shop for some smoked sausage. Served by an enthusiastic lass who knows her products. Another good selection bought. ^_^ Oh and a couple of their locally made Polish style cakes; about 500 calories a slice, but my diet starts next month - ! :laugh:
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