The Retirement Thread

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Getting old but not past it
North Wales


Legendary Member
Thanks Mo. I will show it to my wife and see what she says. It will probably cost me the same to buy the wood anyway.

No no no.
You buy it without telling her, then you tell her you have made it.
You will have a win win :smile:


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Well that's a job done. While Mr WD is outside doing stiff, I've gone through all my clothes. Dear God, i didn't realise just how much stuff I have. Things to small, things to big, things that still have the price tag on them that I bought 10 years plus ago. Things that just don't suit me anymore ( it's am age thing).

I have 2 black bags full of stuff. A good tip, once you will a bag, use the vacuum cleaner hose to suck out all the air. Makes the bag half the size. It's a case of less is actually more, and Mr WD will never know. Bless him :laugh:

When we go "clothes shopping" for Mrs B, I often joke that we should take a charity bag with us, and just put the stuff straight in the bag, save us carrying it home ;)

It is not well received ;)
Chucky fish finger and mushy peas, followed by apple pie and cream
I might bake a cake this afternoon

I misread your post and thought you meant Chunkys the fish and chip shop?
They used to be the best chip shop for miles around. The owner was a bald headed chap and he gave excellent value for money meals. This was years ago so I guess it's long gone.
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