The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
:hello: Morning


Just back from my first jog in eight days. A slow 3k. Sun is out, we have the chap from the carpet shop popping in this afternoon, stairs and landing, plus new lino - type stuff in the bathroom. Mrs Tkk is waiting on delivery of a " Skort " ( a cross between running shorts and a skirt ) as she says that finishing the GNR has given her her running confidence back.
We're both in the ballot for next year, accommodation will be an issue as Peter Kay is appearing in Newcasle for two nights on the same weekend as the GNR.


Legendary Member
Aldi dash done. Got my chicken so will do the curry, just as soon as my legs tell me I can stand long enough.
I am using basics eg spices, chopped garlic and red chilli's so hope I get it right. The jars of paste etc are so good nowadays but I had a craving for my home made version.


I found "Insure with" really easy as they offered 3 choices, gold, silver or bronze.
Of course they may have changed things now.

I think it's "" Dave, my sincere thanks for this recommendation, we have insurance and your recommendation saved me close to £2000.....yes £2k. Our holiday cost is £1980 and the those companies prepared to offer cover came in at £1800 - 2200. We have got cover for £120. Yes, I have been completely upfront. I insured us separately on two different policies.

There was a huge difference between the approach by insurancewith and all the other companies. All bar insurancewith asked the question on cancer to which I answered yes, 50% immediately rejected her with the other 50% then offering a follow up question of what type of cancer and what treatment. However the insurancewith questions everything was very, very detailed allowing me to give exactly the information which explains Mrs P's condition. It took me 40 minutes of careful reading, considering each question and which answer to select. Very thorough. It was like sitting opposite a real person.

If you saw my wife today you would not believe she had previously had cancer and is now facing a much shortened life with it's return. She's absolutely fine and isn't going to keel over during a week in Croatia!! I can't help but feel some of these companies are exploiting very ill people who will pay almost any price to get one more, possibly last, holiday.

Thanks again, Dave. You've been a great help at a sh!t time.


Legendary Member
I think it's "" Dave, my sincere thanks for this recommendation, we have insurance and your recommendation saved me close to £2000.....yes £2k. Our holiday cost is £1980 and the those companies prepared to offer cover came in at £1800 - 2200. We have got cover for £120. Yes, I have been completely upfront. I insured us separately on two different policies.

There was a huge difference between the approach by insurancewith and all the other companies. All bar insurancewith asked the question on cancer to which I answered yes, 50% immediately rejected her with the other 50% then offering a follow up question of what type of cancer and what treatment. However the insurancewith questions everything was very, very detailed allowing me to give exactly the information which explains Mrs P's condition. It took me 40 minutes of careful reading, considering each question and which answer to select. Very thorough. It was like sitting opposite a real person.

If you saw my wife today you would not believe she had previously had cancer and is now facing a much shortened life with it's return. She's absolutely fine and isn't going to keel over during a week in Croatia!! I can't help but feel some of these companies are exploiting very ill people who will pay almost any price to get one more, possibly last, holiday.

Thanks again, Dave. You've been a great help at a sh!t time.

That, my friend, has brought tears to my eyes.
I believe the 'woman' who started the company had, herself, had cancer and faced problems getting insurance.
Pleased I could help.


Postman's body feels more sluggish than normal.Plus a nasty chesty cough and grunge.I ave also found an e mail CANCELLING my hernia operation this Saturday.I have missed three phone appointments.Well i bloody would have there is a massive 8 hours time difference between Roundhay and friggin Alaska.So i phoned this morning little hope of Saturday,i am not happy,i am grumpy or any one of the others.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
It's a gorgeous day here. 18 deg :sun:

A ham sandwich for me today


Legendary Member
Molly is back home and well. Gentle exercise for next few weeks until it has all healed up. Back to the vet on Thursday for a check up and in 10 days after to remove stitches.
I hope she has learned her lesson and keep away from nasty bushes. I can't afford another £1000 weekend again.

:ohmy: I can see why I haven't got a pet.
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