The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
out for a meal tonight to celebrate my eldest sons 50th birthday, that is going to be tough for me, as someone is missing.

Just read a quote, quite long so I have condensed it.
Missing someone is not a question of how long they have been gone, it's when you need them and realise they are no longer there.
There...... That's cheered us up no end :smile:


Just read a quote, quite long so I have condensed it.
Missing someone is not a question of how long they have been gone, it's when you need them and realise they are no longer there.
There...... That's cheered us up no end :smile:
This really strikes a chord. I can see it coming down the tracks. It's true Dave. I'm very glad you posted this as it affirms some of my thoughts and fears.



Good day, people. Slept 9.15pm - 2.00am then 4.30am - 7.10am. I'll take that as a good night. I restarted my weight training this morning. I saw my PT yesterday and felt 100% ready to go again. A big step in the rehab.

Currently on the Manchester train as we are going to #2 granddaughter's 1st birthday bash. Her parents managed to invite 60 people and have had to hire a room!! Youngsters. All the families will be there.

What a contrast. When we get home we're invited to a friend's 74th.

Now I raised my sons as Rovers. There is no other team in our house. #1 is a diehard. Clearly I didn't do my job well enough. I mean who arranges a birthday bash when your boys are playing at home???? 😱🤣🤣🤣


Legendary Member
Still overcast and gloomy here with occasional drizzle but it’s looking better after today.

I wandered round to the Co-op for a couple of things. Happened to meet a lady I know and she mentioned she had been up to the baker for a Scotch pie for her husband as he likes them. Put me in the mood for pie and beans for lunch so I got a couple of
little Steak and Onion pies out of the Co-op when I was in.

Doubt if I’ll be back out if it stays like this. I might either read or catch up on stuff on telly this afternoon. My activity rings are all closed anyway. :laugh:
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