The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
I have just got up, feeling worse than I did at 6am. I may make some scones later, I have attempted them a few times and cannot seem to get them right, any clues, please.

Yep..... Lidl :smile:
We got some from there last week. Lovely they were.


Discharged by opthalmology. The slight concerns at my previous visit have gone and the feeling is whichever tissues were damaged they are now healing or healed. Result! 👍

Now I have an hour in Costa Fortune till it's time for OT.


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside

Forecast was 19C when I looked late last night.

It is currently 13C with a real feel of 12C - that's some difference! A remarkable feat of inaccuracy!

To ride or not to ride is today's big decision!

Have a good one all!

We have same, 12C, forecast said no rain. Got Mrs B geared up to go out walking, as we stepped out of front door.... it started to rain!


Occupational Therapy are very pleased with progress for my fingers. This is a real boost as I thought the flexion had plateaued. I'm now at 80% flexion and Chelsea feels I will be at 90% at my next appointment. The swelling and aching will go but this is much more long-term - possibly 1 - 2 years. She's given me strategies to manage this, some of which I had already devised for myself.

Big boost today.
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