welsh dragon
Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Oh for gods sake.Mo wants to know if that is a mat for cleaning your bats ??

Oh for gods sake.Mo wants to know if that is a mat for cleaning your bats ??
Better to catch it - then you know where it is!
If it just decides to bugger off of its own accord then you don;t know if it is hiding
or might have been on a scouting mission looking for a nice place to live when it gets colder outside.
I presume you know that if you don;t kill it then you have to release it a LONG way away or it will find its way back?
Just got my results back from my CT Scan (that was quick) I have a serious low level anaemia and every thing is going back to normal.
From the start my blood tests showed a low level of iron, but the "two locum doctors" didn't take any notice and went to looking for more serious problems like bowel cancer, prostate cancer, lung damage, liver damage the list is endless.......
Yet is was plain to see from the first blood test, it was my niece who said “try iron tablets” which I did and now I'm improving all the time, but at a slow rate. When a doctor prescribe iron tablets it's on a high dose 300mg per tablet, I'm only taking the bare minimum, no doubt I'll get a text/phone call from the doctor nect week when she has seen the results.
I’ve stuck the cycling on. Lots of climbing today including an absolutely brutal one to finish.
The clap?
Mo wants to know if that is a mat for cleaning your bats ??
Great news for you. Just a quick comment on the anaemia and low iron thing. I would suggest the locums acted correctly. My wife had similar results last autumn. She was already taking iron tablets. Her GP sent her to be scanned, she was diagnosed with bowel cancer, surgery before Christmas followed by chemotherapy through the Spring.
Sadly Mrs P's blood cancer markers have increased again and we have an appointment to understand the position tomorrow. I am expecting secondaries, the worst possible situation.
I understand your view, and perhaps frustration, but would urge anyone to take what is offered even if it seems unnecessary.
Everything crossed for tomorrow.
Must be dreadfully worrying for you both (and wider family, of course).
The cursed spectre of ageing.
Raining steadily here and a whole heap of rain due tomorrow.
The predicted heatwave never happened - as usual!
Cycling miles have suffered badly this year. I don't find cycling in the rain at all enjoyable and nor do I feel comfortable on wet, top-coated lanes.
Just watched the weather forecast on Countryfile. They just about gave the “haven’t a clue “ forecast!, dressed up a bit of course. Two scenarios , each totally opposite for us!
You forgot to put the cap back on the bottle, again!done some bits and pieces but was a bit fragile this morning
by coincidence it seems that the whiskey bottle has suffered some evaporation over night somehow!
anyway - promised rain and thunder but this morning was nice
did hear some thunder this afternoon but well away - near Dave7 maybe???
anyway - we watched the F1 - qualy and race
somehow it is just right when Ferrari win at Monza - Lewis or Lando would be better but Charles is OK
anyway - that was good
had a good laugh at the scoreline in the Man Utd v Liverpool match
so all is right in the World
round here anyway