The Retirement Thread

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Margaret is going to pop down just after 10 for another walk. It’s drizzling but we have waterproofs so we’ll just go. We’ll wander along to the cafe for a light lunch when we finish. I see there’s toast with either scrambled or poached egg and salmon on toast. That sounds quite healthy. I’ll maybe give that a try.

Better than bird seed that's for sure. :laugh:


Legendary Member
Bruce walked. Started listening to The 39 Steps talking book during the walk.

Welshie has read that but it was called the10 steps as that was all she could count to.
Grand kids have been fed and we have been out to a local nature reserve

We went through the Deep Dark Wood
and saw several bears - mostly on leads

came back on a route chosen by the 7 year old - little one (3) was rather wary of wandering through a wood
poor little thing is used to going to shops and shopping centres rather than wandering along things that are only vaguely paths and have plants hanging over them!

He will learn that walks with us are rather more natural than walks with parents and other grandparents!

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Amazon strikes again. I ordered 5/8 plastic buckles and this is what I got.

The one on the left is 5/8 the other one isn't.



Legendary Member
Amazon strikes again. I ordered 5/8 plastic buckles and this is what I got.

The one on the left is 5/8 the other one isn't.

View attachment 740143

I’m rapidly going off Amazon. I’ve definitely been using them less than I used to.
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