The Retirement Thread

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If 6 Was 9
Talking of hedgehog houses.....
Here's ours, tucked away by my workshop in a nice sheltered spot.
We have hoglets this year. :okay:


Had a problem yesterday as the green bin was not collected
everyone else's was done but not ours

Had a check and the sticker showing the license was a different colour and out of date - which probably explains it

Naturally , although it is normally less than half full, this week is it crammed!

anyway - rang the local counsel's help line and - eventually not not excessively so - spoke to a nice lady who was very helpful
she checked we have paid - which we did at the first opportunity and immediately arranged to send a new sticker

and also arranged to the "missed" lorry to come round within 2 working days

which is better than I was expecting - I was thinking I would have to stick some of it in bags and go down to the tip with it
(absolutely NOT lob some of it over the fence at the back into the woods - no no no!)


Legendary Member
Little bit of shopping done. I had a total brain fart and managed to use the self service checkout, load my bags and walk out without paying. I was just outside the door and stuck my hand in my pocket to make sure my debit card was there, then it dawned on me I hadn’t used it! Ran straight back in and the till was still empty and my due amount still showing so managed to pay. I’m surprised some sort of alarm didn’t come up. Maybe it would have after a bit more time.
Little bit of shopping done. I had a total brain fart and managed to use the self service checkout, load my bags and walk out without paying. I was just outside the door and stuck my hand in my pocket to make sure my debit card was there, then it dawned on me I hadn’t used it! Ran straight back in and the till was still empty and my due amount still showing so managed to pay. I’m surprised some sort of alarm didn’t come up. Maybe it would have after a bit more time.

Probably not - they would have noticed you hadn;t paid eventually and notified Drago who would have appeared in an attack helicopter synchronised with an armed response unit.

or possibly not

the pay off from less staff and more mistakes and more shoplifting is constantly monitored and they expect things like this
I have walked out with stuff I have forgotten to scan several times over the years and only realised that it was "a bit cheap" when I got home. It is normally the alcohol that I forget for some reason - which is also the most expensive although in my case that is not related!!!

EDIT - the main effect would just be you feeling guilty - they depend on most people bein ghonest
it is nice to think they think most people are basically honest and their policies show it - when the news is always full of the opposite
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