The Retirement Thread

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Leg End Member
Possibly not. Sometimes there’s a time limit on some catch up programmes but they are usually available for several months.
Maybe if you were to go a few weeks with no sleep...


Started young, and still going.
Good morning all.
We've just had a shower of rain to start the day off.
I've been told by the doctor who did my steroid injection yesterday that I should refrain from cycling for a few days, so it will be the bus today to get up to the high road.
Sainsbury's are delivering the weekly goodies between 9 and 10.
Then, if the rain stops I have a little bit of pointing and rendering on the front wall to do. It is only a very small area, so should only take 15 to 20 minutes, he says confidently.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Coooeeww. 15 deg here and dampish. We had rain for about 15 minutes earlier and its misty as well.

Not much planned for today.

Stay safe peeps :hello:


Well, hello. A glorious morning in Lancashire. Mustn't stop long as I'm going to collect the small one soon. Not so small these days, she's 3½ and just wonderful to have around. Last week she told her Mum, "Tuesday is my favourite day because I see Nana and Granddad." ❤️

My new Lusso bib shorts arrived yesterday. Very impressed with the quality but it's going to be 2 - 3 weeks before I can test ride them. A big step buying these. I've ridden in Assos for 25+ years. I've bought a lot of kit from Lusso in the last 18 months and the quality is fantastic, decided to give the bibs a go.

The Lusso factory is only 30 minutes from my house and the guy who runs it, Jake, is first class.



Legendary Member
Yes, we finished that one on Sunday night. Very good.

I've recently finished The Jetty and Honour, both are excellent and highly recommended.

I enjoyed The Jetty. Unexpected twist at the end. I highly recommend Blue Lights series one and two if anyone hasn’t got round to watching it yet.

Riverside walk done and just finished my porridge.

The sun is trying to break through now.

Chief Broom

Morning folks :okay: quite warm here so wondering if i can sally forth in just a T shirt, though being the highlands i'll pack a jacket. Ordered up some new ally handlebars as the original steel ones have been preventing me from obtaining Mach 3 ^_^ [oh dear am i becoming a weight weanie] :laugh:
Young seagull on the roof fell off the other day so had to get a ladder and put him/her back :rolleyes: reckon the parents appreciated my assistance :okay:
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