The Retirement Thread

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Well you’ve picked a lovely day for it , but I think you might wish it was a little cooler by the time you have finished.
I remember doing than , the last time was when our daughter finished her masters in 2020 and we put loads of stuff in the loft. When we had finished she said, don’t worry dad, I will get my own place as soon as I can .
Four years later the stuff is still in the loft and she is still at home 😂😂😂😀😀

In all seriousness, a lot of people of our generations don’t understand how difficult it is for young people to get on the property ladder. Plus we do like having her at home most of the time, after all who else will sort out our IT problems 😀😀

All done, and hire Van returned. I do love a Transit, this one was a ‘21 Custom, it had virtually everything on it except Nav and brilliant to drive. The driving position and ergonomics are so much more comfortable than both of our cars. I want one!!



Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Just arranged to meet a woman called Vicky in the cemetery at 10 o'clock on Monday

which sounds all kinda dodgy
but she runs the local Food Bank and I agreed to sort out some computery stuff for her and their new office is in the old cemetery lodge building

I mentioned it to my wife and she says she trusts me!!!!!
(or possibly can see no reason why another woman would want me!!!)

What an original smoke screen story ;)


All done, and hire Van returned. I do love a Transit, this one was a ‘21 Custom, it had virtually everything on it except Nav and brilliant to drive. The driving position and ergonomics are so much more comfortable than both of our cars. I want one!!

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Glad it when well , I do have Van envy though lol . As our daughter only went to uni about 40 miles away we used to do it in our own car over the course of a couple of weeks.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Part way through a night of Golden Oldies, Truth or Dare and a big bottel of Southern Comfort (£30 down to £19, Sainsbury Nectar price - bargain!).

Will probably get to sleep around 3am at a guess.

Saving some energy in reserve for our big night of the week tomorrow.


Here's hoping that Dave is ok.
OK - sorry about this but it may be a bit of a downer/rant

but I have just been watching a documentary on Iplayer about Neil Foden
well he was a Head Teacher at Ysgol Friars - a school in Bangor in North Wales
and he has recently been "done" for child abuse of pupils and "stuff" - lets not go into details

and my daughter went to that school - so - well - work it out

I was a teacher at a school on the North Wales Coast - which is a sort of widely spaced community of sorts
and we all knew about him as a bully to staff
and his idea of discipline to pupils was "rather strict"
measuring of skirts and knees was mentioned a lot

bullying of staff came up a lot - you were either pro foden or your got screwed until you left
even th counsel and governors were bullied into silence (I think my ex was one of them!!!)

Positively frogmarching a disruptive pupil out of the school and throwing them into the road was also mentioned
I was told he was in trouble for that one but his Union - of which he was a senior executive member - brought in an expensive barrister
and the case was dropped after some talking
or so it was said

anyway - I also lived in Bangor - and other people (social workers etc ) talked about him and his attitude - like turning up in staff meeting before school and saying
"this kid is not on a 3 strikes contract - 3 events and he is out - I want them all TODAY!!!"

in the school where I taught it would be a 5 strike contract
and of the kid got 2 in one day the deputy Head would pull them out of lessons and talk to them and work out what was wrong - we did everything to pull them round
not Foden

anyway back to the documentary

Basically as bad as it could be - maybe (maybe!!!) not full on rape due to medical problem - but them there is only his word for that
full on farking everything a teacher would never do
and always with vulnerable pupils

which - to be selfish - discounts my daughter as she was top set and probebly would have lamped him!!!!

anyway - really upsetting and at this point I am glad I do not live in America in a State where you can buy a gun

He was sentenced to 17 years - probably die inside - hopefully badly and with no control
because it was alway abotu control

As teacher in the general area we knew about the bullying and control stuff

the sex stuff seemed to start leter
but - lets face it - if something earlier comes up it would be no surprise

I drunk - guess why

so sorry about spelling - I have fixed some but

to be clear I have no contact with my daughter due to circumstance
but the 12 year I had with her were the best of my life

and if he touched her I would kill him and die happy
and I have never felt like that before - ever

reminds me of my ex-boss on some aniversary of the warrington bombing
he saw a photo of where the bomb was and realised that he had walked past the bin when the bomb must have been there after shopping with his daughters for Mother's Day cards etc
and the bomb must have been ticking when they walked past it - him with his 2 daughters


but ........
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